Wednesday, June 30, 2010

John Cryer Earns Per Episode

45 New Photos of Camp Rock 2! Taylor Swift

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Kevin Jonas embraces a pillow after telling a ghost story in this new image of Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam .

Camp Rock 2 opens on Friday 3 September in the U.S.! Below 45 stills + ....

Centerpeice Rental Boston Area

awareness in order to better correct

The State of the Nation program announced some months ago in Costa Rica third of the Economically Active Population (PEA) receives less than minimum wage. The data of course is worrying and requires a strong public action to labor rights of these almost 600,000 people are protected.

But before any action es necesario analizar a profundidad esta información, extraída de la Encuesta de Hogares realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos en el año 2009. Al respecto el Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas de la UCR acaba de publicar un estudio sobre el tema que es de consulta obligada. Y en este artículo se presentan algunos datos elaborados por la M.Sc. Raquel Barrientos, investigadora y miembro de la Junta Directiva del INEC, como un pequeño aporte a esta discusión.

Es importante hacer algunas consideraciones previas. La Encuesta de Hogares solo indaga el salario monetario, por lo tanto, no valora remuneraciones de otro tipo. Tampoco se considera aquí el tema de la formalidad o informalidad employment. And to have a more attached to reality, it is important to consider the minimum wage in each industry as part of the analysis, which is beyond the scope of this text. Fortunately, the study of ICSI mentioned include this with the rigor that characterizes his work.

According to INEC, 544.880 persons, 29.8% of the economically active population earned less than ¢ 170.950 per month in 2009, despite working at least 47 hours per week. This amount is the so-called salary "minimorum minimum (MM), ie, the salary of legal protection that the State guarantees workers. Of that group, 61.6% men, 30.5% are uninsured and 31.2% are salaried. More than half (56.25%) have only primary education, 32.67%, high school and only 5.84% higher education. For industry, the largest percentage, a 21.17%, working on "Trade, repair of motor vehicles and household goods", followed by the 20.97% working on "Agriculture, hunting and forestry" and 13.06% who work in "Private households with domestic service."

is important to note also that 46.6% of this group are fully employed, ie people working as long as you want to work, while 40.1% are underemployed invisible referred to people who receive as compensation income is too low relative to productivity, or the person who performs tasks that require less preparation yours. And in this particular case, who are also earning less than minimum minimorum.

From the above data are preliminary conclusions that can be used to delineate a strategy of intervention. First, although it must act in the interests of all concerned, the group that seems to be some immediate impact is in 31.2% of employees, while further analysis using data from the CCSS could serve relatively easily determine the real situation of this group and implement corrective policies.
Second, the next group of interest is 40.1% which is in invisible underemployment. It is important to investigate whether in this segment are mostly people working on their own, or if people who are receiving less than minimum wage in all or some of the work they perform.

Third, the three branches of economic activity is concentrated over 55% of those who do not receive the salary MM should be examined to permit detailed characterization of employment, as can be found in these areas pay in kind added to the monetary income than minimal minimorum.
Finally, it is critical to identify accurately the size of the companies within these industries, and carefully weigh the potential impact on employment levels change in their pay systems. If any crisis left teaching in 2009 have been told is that a legal framework that would allow some flexibility in the definition of working hours and their respective unemployment compensation probably would not have increased in proportion as he did.

Careful analysis of this situation is a prerequisite for developing truly effective corrective measures. The issue is so urgent and delicate which requires that we take the time necessary without involving the indefinite postponement of public action, for this exercise.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Alcohol Liver Leg Pain

a Bahamas Bikini

Taylor Swift

a retro bikini on the beaches of the Bahamas on June 19, 2010. 7 Photos High Quality, HQ, remember that the photos that were previously released were of low quality.