Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sample Church Contracts

Analysts, propagandists and brush as a methodological tool of analysis

is common for media specialists attend to complement relevant information. These professionals have become the benchmark for a negligible sector of the population, so it is important to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. In this case the use of this metaphor is intentional, and must also be taken literally.

There are some principles for judging the quality of analysis that we provide these experts, although there are some that really are not. First, objectivity in the social sciences especially, it is not possible. The view that a person has about an event is permeated by a subjectivity that can not be removed. This of course does not invalidate any opinion, as long as people know clearly who is the analyst, know their background, political affiliation and education. And the analyst also should be aware of this natural bias, so make a conscious effort of trying to balance what you say or tell when is giving an opinion.

What should we expect from an analyst? From my perspective, we need to properly contextualize the news you're commenting, which means in many cases the use of historical background, explanation of basic concepts and the identification of relevant actors. We also need any additional information necessary to enable us to a more comprehensive understanding of what happened. Also useful would be the exploration of scenarios, an educated and informed prediction based on the facts presented, that allows us to discern possible courses of action. Finally, it can be important opinion consulted, especially if it reveals a perception that we can confront our own beliefs.

What we do not want an analyst? Only give us feedback. Worse, that that opinion is not only a sophisticated elaboration common prejudices and opinions, the same we hear in the taxi on the corner and the buses, because if it were that we would prefer to stay with the original sources of those views , ie the taxi drivers, jocular and people who talk loudly on the bus.Tampoco want to just use common sense without making the effort to learn to deal with new elements will bring us. Or try to disguise hidden desires in the definition of possible scenarios. The clearest example of this approach where we see the interpretations given to some surveys, especially those who speak of voting intentions. Just days before the 2010 presidential election, some analysts insisted, calling for a partial, rather loose and interested in the polls, which would be a second round. We know what happened.

But there is another practice, we have seen particularly in recent times "analysts" appearing with unusual frequency in various media, which is probably the most damaging of all. Crudely is to use the spaces that provide them to promote themselves, presenting as objective analysis that is sometimes not a very well-disguised defense of certain characters. Those who engage in this practice are not really analysts but overlapping propagandists of political parties and people. Some people, I know that its only merit in life is an inexhaustible capacity of flattery, which try to cover up trying to put forward the "brush pass" as an intellectual exercise. Fortunately, these "analysts"-rather courtiers were quickly noticed the gap. But that does not mean we should not be alert.

important thing ultimately is always looking for other opinions, information and with that we can build our own criteria. Analysts can help, but they are not infallible and, as mentioned, in some cases there are competing interests at stake. Therefore it is important not to rely on only that

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Will A Tattoo On My Ankle Stretch?

Following the failure of Crucitas some people have claimed that the decision of the Administrative Tribunal of legal uncertainty for businesses. On the other hand, some argue that the legal uncertainty is created by public officials acting against the provisions in laws. This is one of those rare occasions where everyone is right and everyone is partially wrong (at least by default).

In principle there can be legal uncertainty around where the law applies or correct a misapplication of the law. But for a moment let us in the position of Industrias Infinito. Almost 8 years ago the company applied for and obtained a grant to develop its business here. For this simply met-or thought-to meet the requirements set by the appropriate institutions and laws (or at least the interpretation of these laws were those who approve such awards). What happens to the window where you apply to the inside is completely invisible to her. The company part of a simple reality: she appeared before the official authorities, making the request and that request is answered with an authorization or rejection. By the time the grant is approved the company began to operate within a concrete reality: it has a permit issued by a competent authority. The rest is invisible, it should be otherwise for those seeking such permission. That is legal certainty.

So far the company has an expectation based on apparently undisputed facts. But is it just around ... 7 years! anything he had was real. This means, neither more nor less, even if you have a permit, it will always be provisional. This generates a specific event that is actually a negative for foreign investment. And of course we do not want any kind of investment foreign country, but we accept must have a minimum of security to protect her.

But on the other hand, it is true that what is wrong (hey, does not always mean bad corrupt) officials may be the source of this insecurity. And here are rather the courts to restore our legal certainty. However, it is important to note that often some permissions which are then challenged are awarded based on criteria that those who are not part of public administration does not know (and should know better to judge the performance of officials). Because of course we start from the premise that the simplifications crude to say that a permit is granted because there is always some corruption is absurd, unless of course you choose, knowingly and maliciously believe that as political practice.

The truth is that often allowed to operate in certain companies because it believes it could be beneficial to a sector of the population, region or economic activity. Possibly for reasons external eye or appear not to be cared little grounded, which of course does not mean that there is corruption as an irrefutable fact. But to do these things the public servant is facing its own legal uncertainty of a legal framework that regulates their activity is prolific, contradictory, and ignored, ambiguous, that does not provide the basis for an accurate performance. So often the actions of a public official is determined by what you achieve, his interpretation of the legal framework will depend on what he perceives as favorable outcome, and that's where the problems begin, just like when you want to pass or when wants to reject an application.

People who have responsibilities in the public administration is confronted daily with this dilemma of wanting to do things, to generate positive impacts and the existence of a legal framework that does not always do that safely. Any discussion of a topic as the failure of Crucitas, and any other involving the granting of permits to private companies, should include this dimension. Because only this way can we begin to refine the legal framework that generates this kind of thing. If not, never reach the status of legal certainty necessary for most situations do not face how are you in the future, which is what I assume is what we all ultimately aspire.

Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Design A Dirt Bike Cake

The real legal uncertainty on the failure of Crucitas, by Mr. Oscar Arias

by Oscar Arias Sánchez

25 years ago, there was the possibility that a common citizen start a blog on any given day, and this blog was more read a newspaper or magazine. There was the possibility of creating a Facebook group and convene, within weeks, three million people to demonstrate about a proposal. It was not possible to convert a home video into a worldwide sensation phenomenon.

was the time when politicians were dependent on the media to convey our thoughts and our opinions, which is why we relied on what they want us to publish, when they wanted to publish, and in most cases unwilling to publish it.

That time has passed. Today, however, is the world that has displaced nearly Wikipedia encyclopedias, which for centuries dictated the official word of thought. This is the world where anyone can take free courses in Physics and Computing at MIT, the most prestigious technical university in the world, without leaving the living room of his house. Never before normal people, those who are not Presidents or General Managers or Directors or had been so powerful. Now we can speak our minds through Facebook without anyone edit, or make your own interpretation of what we mean, and simultaneously, in real time we know what our friends think. That's why, that is you, my friends from Facebook, who would like to say what I think of ruling on Crucitas.

Throughout my public life I have always respected the decisions of different courts in our country. As I have said repeatedly, in a democracy where an independent judiciary, the sentences are adhered to and respected, not questioned. However, as you know, the Administrative Court ruled against the ruling of the Constitutional Court had declared the constitutionality and legality of the decree of national interest that we issue for my government. I think the most desirable at this time is very quiet and serenity, and manifestations of the company concerned to bring this case to the First Division of the Supreme Court Justice, which we hope will be that body which ultimately resolved, hopefully in the shortest possible time, the divergence of views between the rulings of the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Tribunal.

The development of the people depends on the amount of investment, both domestic and public, both private and foreign. In Latin America per capita foreign investment has Chile's highest, and it is this investment that has allowed him to become the most developed country in Latin America. Costa Rica, for many years, has followed the footsteps of Chile creating clear rules to attract such investment.

In any democracy, citizens must know what to expect in their dealings with the state. Must rely on observation and respect of circumstances arising from the application of valid rules and regulations. Must have a reasonable expectation based on what the performance of power in law enforcement. That is, should be able to anticipate what the legal consequences of their own behavior. As the English say, "legal security protection Means of confidence."

Legal security means the protection of trust, it is a "know what to expect." Our country, so admired by its peace, its democracy, tolerance, can not remain at the end of the race in the world. The primary right of a globalized world is trust. Begins to protect the Government and Congress, but it happens, no doubt, by the judiciary.

Finally, my dear friends, about me, as I said before, that nothing should be nothing to fear.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stunting Finger Growth

protect the right to dissent

I want to write on various topics that I walk for days under his belt, but for now I'll do a quick reflection on the conflict at the border. To see if this abandoned reagent blog!

Clearly what happens in Calero Island is unacceptable and must be filled with indignation. But from this point, if something should have learned after 60 years without an army, our attitude should be one unwavering belief in the ability of international institutions to solve our disputes with other countries. This means not to be drawn by the incendiary and irresponsible pronouncements of some who stoke the fires of intolerance to any extent without understanding the dire consequences that a flood of passions could have on our country. We test at this time that image that we have forged ourselves peaceful, tolerant, democratic, and the anger can not finish taking shape in things that always, at least we say, we have the opposite: violence, intolerance, xenophobia, chauvinism disguised as a patriotism-not-that history shows us time and again has painful implications for countries.

addition to the defense of our territory dilemmas we face today can assert a set of values \u200b\u200bor show a hidden face of our nation. I am optimistic because until now only a handful of hotheads utter xenophobic threats of violence, but I fear that in other respects some hazards are much less obvious but no less serious.

After the attack on the Twin Towers in September 2001, the Bush administration sought and obtained approval expeditiously Congress for a series of actions including the attack on Iraq in the name of "national security." I vividly remember the backlash from conservative against the handful of senators and congressmen who dared to question the legality and morality of any of these actions. "Not now," he argued, "to challenge the Government, it is time for national unity." Time proved right those who had doubts and many of the things that seemed to make sense in the context of the 9-11 attack were identified as legally and ethically questionable. Amid the anguish caused by the terrorist attacks, the American people were betrayed himself and was willing to sacrifice not just some moral and legal principles that have been supporting his national essence, but also to restrict the open public debate, contestation, to restrict, in other words, dissent.

Nothing more dangerous in a democracy that the restriction of thought, particularly if imposed from a partial interpretation in a temporary situation. The argument of "do not criticize because it is time for national unity" is a very bad sign that weakens incólumnes principles that must be maintained. There is no appropriate or inappropriate time for the democratic exercise. Those who wish to reap the benefits of freedom, wrote Thomas Paine, must assume the fatigue of supporting it. Por eso me ha sorprendido la reacción de un sector de la prensa y de algunos formadores de opinión respecto a las declaraciones que diera el expresidente Arias alrededor de este conflicto. Se puede estar de acuerdo o no, pero desestimar esta o cualquier otra opinión por ser este un momento particular es tan peligroso como el pensamiento de los radicales que lanzaron un coctel molotov contra la embajada nicaragüense.

No perdamos la brújula y ratifiquemos en todo momento nuestra convicción democrática. Este conflicto fronterizo, como muchos que hemos tenido en el pasado, terminará siendo un mal recuerdo en unas semanas. Pero si actuamos en contra de nuestra esencia, el perjuicio será mucho más duradero

Monday, September 20, 2010

Como Poner Flyers Landscaping

College Board statement condemning "the last, intolerant practices at the University of Costa Rica

I confess that I thought would never see a statement like this. Maybe now those few who were still doing gymnastics pseudo rhetoric for not condemning these people finally do so. But that's not really important. The important thing is that, finally, the Council shall act without hesitation. I would have liked to see this text in the main newspapers in the country as other agreements on a variety of topics, which were widely reported, but the truth is that I'm content with it for now!

A large group of students is largely responsible for this. These boys and girls 4000 as the President of the FEUCR are nothing, and who spoke strongly against practices that denigrated as academics, need to feel satisfied and conclude that the University authorities finally decided acuerparlos. But besides these brave young men decided to take action, refused to identify them with extremism, intolerance, ignorance of reality. There is hope in the UCR. Congratulations guys!

Statement on the events of August 26, 2010

(agreement signed Session No. 5474, Tuesday, 7 September 2010)

The University Council, CONSIDERING THAT:
1) The University of Costa Rica , during its seven decades of existence, foundation has fulfilled the promise of becoming an institution of higher education, independent and democratic, as stated in article 1 of its Constitution.

2) In the autonomous and democratic constitution of our institution has been substantial development of the university as a place of cohabitation, as provided in Article 4, subsection e) of its Organic:

e) Respect for people and the free expression guarantee, in the university setting, dialogue and free expression of ideas and opinions, as well as the coexistence of different world views and schools of thought no limitation other than mutual respect. "

3) The means by which the University has created a culture of tolerance has been the respect for difference and dialogue to resolve differences, are fundamental tools in university practice, and which referred to a former Rector lucid, Mr. Rodrigo Facio Brenes, in his call to the university community in 1960:

"(...) the small republic university forges the virtues of absolute freedom for all people, complete tolerance for all the ideas, constructive dialogue, accountability purge, selection media ethics, concern for the problems True, those same virtues that we want to see prevail, no exceptions and no weakening in the national political scene. "

4) Thursday August 26, 2010, day 70. th anniversary of the University of Costa Rica, and at a time when the University Council at its meeting No. 5470, believed to grant audience to representatives SINDEU FEUCR and a group of people broke through the use of force, in the meeting room and prevented the exit for more than three hours, Mrs. Chancellor, the majority of the members of the University Council and support staff. During this time of retention, in addition to damaging public property, that group physically and verbally coerced most members of this the College, in particular, to Mrs. Rector.

5) Neither the authorities of the University of Costa Rica or its organized sectors have turned to the detention of persons as a means to achieve their goals. The various protests, and the resolution of differences through negotiation, have followed a pattern of respect for freedom, dignity and human life, as well as public goods, basic understanding and practice of coexistence university.

6) The University of Costa Rica has always been able to distinguish the legitimate social protest vandalism, damage to public property, assault on the integrity and life of people. When these illegal actions have taken place in the country, the university community and its authorities have unequivocally condemned and repudiated.


1) strongly condemn the acts of aggression that took place on Thursday, August 26, 2010, against most members of the University Council, Mrs. Rector and staff working in the administrative building BC.

2) Reject the use of coercion, physical restraint, defamation and personal offense as ways to accomplish any goal or manifest any Unlike other sectors of the institution.

3) request the Administration to assess the institutional damage to property, setting out the relevant responsibilities and procedures are undertaken to indicate the university regulations.

4) call the Rectory to promote reflection on the process of negotiating the FEES and dialogue among different sectors of the university community with the goal of learning and identify challenges for the University of Costa Rica and Public Higher Education.

5) to disseminate widely this agreement in the college media.


Dr. Oldemar Rodríguez Rojas

Friday, September 10, 2010

Price Of Gold Per Gram Jan 2010

Investigate what they want, but do not do circus

recently joined a legislative commission to "investigate the concessions," a rather ambiguous goal yet presupposes that there is any irregularity that warrants an "investigation" legislative . Members' concern stems from the complaint of some exporters about the process of granting the new port of Moin, especially those aspects related to the changes suffered by the poster competition and only one company was filed, involving some way through this that the cartel was "adapted" to promote this company.

From October 2007 to May 2010 I joined as part of the responsibilities of the position I held in the previous government, the Board of the National Council Awards. This is a collegiate body composed of 7 persons, who are the Ministers of Public Works and Transportation, who chairs the Finance and Planning, the Central Bank president, and three representatives of professional associations, unions and business chambers. Also attend, with voice but without vote, the Technical Secretary, who has the responsibility to implement the resolutions of the Board. The Board is the governing body of the CNC, and is responsible for addressing all issues related to grants and initiatives deprived in the country. Is a complex, which includes economic, legal and social, but for this complexity were most educational to me, I learned about a lot of issues.

During the period I was part of this group was treated Moin often granted, as befits a great and delicate issue. And because I was there because I was part of this process, because I met people who were involved and because I saw the effort that everyone in the CNC do to get things done well, is that I tell them I have no problem to investigate whatever they want. Go and ask, wallow, ask for papers, interview whoever they want. To answer the questions that have possibly have been enough to convene the current Minister of Public Works and Transport to the plenary for them to explain in detail the process without the need to establish a commission of inquiry, but I understand that some may believe that this is not sufficient, especially if you do not understand the process.

But what you want, and indeed what the country needs is a thorough, comprehensive, deliberate and objective. What you do not like, and the country needs is a politicized commission begins its work with pre-formed criteria. The issue is sensitive enough to aspire to be analyzed objectively, with mind open and there is not a distorted use and / or partial information to confirm preconceived conclusions, following that premise that says that if what I think the reality is not true, then too bad for reality.

For the record I'm not naive: it is clear that for some members the Commission of Inquiry is an opportunity to score some political points, to have media coverage and intensity whose frequency is directly proportional to the stridency of their claims, even when they have no real foundation. But if the research becomes the circus I'm sure some want to make, everyone loses: the people whose reputations are males with charges without foundation, the credibility of legislative committees as a forum for research on issues of importance to the country, public opinion will not be suitable for standard items, officials of the National Council Awards, whose professionalism, honesty and dedication can be unfairly questioned. Hopefully that will not happen.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Much Does A Periodontist Make In Canada

Jorge Cornick Response to report by The Nation

reproduce here a note posted on Facebook by Jorge Cornick in answering that is to my mind a story that did poorly informed journalist Mercedes Aguero on the hiring of a building by the ARESEP, four months after Jorge output Board of the Authority.

We must do something with the press in this country. And the Association of Journalists? And the editors in charge?

Doña Mercedes tries to make chocolate without cocoa
by Jorge Cornick on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 7:34 pm

can not make chocolate without cocoa, or you can create a scandal where nothing is hidden or distorted. Never fails, however, who try.

journalist's reporting Mercedes Agüero have caused concern among some people that know me and have led to others, that's all I know, to condemn me without hearing my story, as anyone can verify that you visit the Facebook page The Nation.

However, the "complaints" of The Nation journalist and Agüero are made of smoke and nothing.

A conflict of interest is set when who works for an institution must make a decision that affects both the institution and the person making the decision, and when it is also what is best for that person could not be what is best for the institution.

This situation is not ever set during my time at the Aresep regarding the rental of the building is scheduled to travel soon to that institution. De followed explained why.

As a member of the Board of ARESEP was my duty to approve the annual budget of the institution along with their plans. Thus, it was my responsibility to approve, along with my fellow directors, the proposal to move the institution into a new building and the corresponding budget. So far my intervention in this matter.

From this point, the administration did its job, without any intervention by the Board. Thus began the process of finding a suitable property, became a public invitation for submission of tenders, which were evaluated by an internal working group was obtained the approval of the Comptroller General of the Republic for a direct hire, and finally, the Controller General, in its discretion and without any action by the Board, assigned the lease real estate fund Multipark owner.

These facts are not disputed and it explicitly recognizes the nation in reporting that "As a manager Cornick approved the budget to finance the leasing of a property, but did not participate in the selection of the building, since this procedure was in charge of administration and not the board. "

should add a detail which is not necessarily apparent when reading Dona Mercedes article: All this happened about four months after I had given up the Board of the Aresep. So clear: when the lease was assigned to Multipark, I was not part of the Board of Aresep.
Dona Mercedes
What does not seem to understand is that, given these facts, it sets up a conflict of interest or anything like it. Simply does not I've never been in a situation where, as director of the Aresep, had to make a decision affecting or Multipark or its investors.

But besides showing some confusion about the concept of conflict interest, Dona Mercedes reverses the logic of investigative journalism when he says "The fact that this document does not warrant that did not influence." Things are upside down: if the journalist had strong evidence to suggest that I acted improperly, he would have in their hands material to a complaint. As it is not as recognized, his story is nothing but a poor attempt to make chocolate without cocoa.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Waveguide Cover Broken

is time to reclaim our response

was expected: the handful of ridiculous masked some timid and calculatedly university authorities never wanted to condemn in the past, it has become a real problem for the UCR. Silence accomplice is having consequences and not symbolic but concrete: The University could not hold its 70 th anniversary for two days has not been able to teach, must be given a forced day off and again projects a wrong image of what is dean of the institution Costa Rica's higher education.

all started during the 2006 election. In that year, a group of radical intolerant prevented the participation of a presidential candidate in a television program Channel 15, violating a fundamental principle of university action: tolerance to all ideas. Similarly, the series of candidate debates organized by the Institution failed miserably in the midst of the shouting wildly for those who do not accept that some candidates present their ideas in favor of NAFTA. But these acts, which required a formal repudiation without restraints, were pardoned in a silence that is the true origin of this problem.

This phenomenon is further exacerbated in 2007, the year of the referendum on the FTA. This was a dream season for these groups, whose position against the treaty coincided with the "official." It was the year that happy marched with their faces covered without question on par with some university authorities never wanted to ask them to protest with pride, to face discovered. These same authorities that after the excesses that these radicals organized at the end of each gear-and you knew he would always come after blocking the street in front of law, including with burning tires, "came to rhetorical exercises for not condemning their allies in the fight against NAFTA.

That was the year in which these groups were like those who thought differently insulting, not to allow entry to the UCR, resorting to intimidation close to physical aggression, people who supported NAFTA, and boycott activities where it was discussed with rigor, passion and respect the different positions. And it all happened under the indifferent gaze, if not approval of some university authorities.

Well, when that performance pay calculator ambiguous and, under the philosophy that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, has arrived. It is time that the university community, led by its authorities, definitely in a league of these groups and feel and administrative responsibilities to criminal penalties if applicable. Field is time paid official pronouncements of the University Council, as ready to express their views on a myriad of issues of national life and as reluctant to do so with a university problem that affects the image of thousands of students, teachers and administrators that day construct the UCR days of which we are proud. It is not just a place to make amends to the Chancellor as the one organized for next Monday, it is manifest against making public buildings, masked protests and intolerance. And do it without hesitation, firmly, sitting responsibilities. Failure to do so is to continue allowing the U we get out of hand.

is time to initiate the recovery of our university. From now on we must not allow ourselves abridging our right to work, study, free expression of ideas, have to go out to these groups to repudiate and condemn them unequivocally. These days we only had a small sample of what could happen in the future unless we act now. We hope that our authorities to assume their historic responsibility in this fateful moment.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Importation Of Buick Cars From Usa To Canada

University Leonardo Garnier on "Sub / versions" written by him in 2002

These days various people have been circulating widely on the Internet an old sub / version I wrote back in October 2002. The funny thing is that now runs to show "how much I've changed" or "how betrayed today what I said yesterday." Some believe they have discovered the fatal contradiction between that Leonardo Garnier defending and the educational investment that today, as Minister of Education, has been transmuted into a kind of neo-liberal monster prepared to cut and curtail the resources education and in particular to higher education.

is always a good thing to force him to confront what he has said, done or thought of other times in their life, either to demonstrate the changes that may have had throughout life - it would be tragic not ever change - or to identify inconsistencies, of course, should be remedied soon. It can also serve, however, to confirm that is still thinking and feeling as when it was written then and that the facts, far from contradicting, confirming what previously were only words.

admit that I am flattered the durability over time of those sub / versions that claimed to be calls short-term care and that now, years later, still seem to be of interest to many people. I'm glad.

But as some have tried to use my text to draw conclusions other than those that actually appears to allow, using my words yesterday to misrepresent my actions today, I feel the right and the obligation to restore my text, to add some comments and reflections on the current situation so that everyone can judge whether my tenure as Minister is a betrayal or was rather an exercise of realization of my ideas, my sub / versions. In those sub / versions of 2002 ended stating:

"How say that he bet on the future and young people when they ask for education? Yesterday, the education was free and compulsory. Today, it is governed by the accounting and surveys. More than a deficit, seems to suffer from a serious lack of leadership. "

Neither more nor less, they felt, what I thought and wrote. Today, would not take a comma. The context of the column was indeed proposing a cut to the education budget and school year; cut was even worse in the context of a constitutional mandate - in which I had to play a role - and that since 1998 provided that the education budget could not be less than 6% of GDP. The constitutional mandate, however, remained unimplemented four years later.

In this refusal to raise the funding of our education was I - and keep - a lack of leadership. Said yesterday that as a columnist.

Today, some consider me turned around and that, faced with the challenges of expanding investment in education and in particular with respect to the negotiation of FEES, I fall into the failure of leadership yesterday criticized. But is it?

My main concern in taking the Ministry of Education - as stated in my previous publications both in the definition of priorities that guided our work from home - was the low coverage of secondary education in Costa Rica. I can hardly find a greater tragedy that we've had this inability as a society to ensure all our young people the opportunity to complete their secondary education, although not sufficient, is indispensable in today's world to have access to a skilled and well paid. The battle against poverty and inequality, the battle to rebuild the middle class of this century, passing through the universal requirement of high school really.

I'm not saying there ends our educational challenge: the universalization of secondary education must involve a great effort in terms of quality and relevance, a major challenge in terms of development of technical education, a profound and vital task which points to the comprehensive education - ethics, aesthetics and public - of our young people and, of course, an indispensable task in the development of a higher education is quantitatively and qualitatively to the height of the times.

These challenges involve a number of actions, but certainly also require funding. Therefore, the profound challenges of the coverage, quality and relevance of education inevitably pass over the question of the five, on the budget issue.

How to value our management from this view, that was precisely what I questioned as a columnist back in 2002?

I joined the Ministry of Education in May 2006. That year, the education sector budget was ¢ 570,000 million and represented 5% of GDP. Four years later, in 2010 I still as Minister of Education, the education sector budget is ¢ 1,330,000 million, representing 7.2% of GDP. In real terms - after inflation - the education sector budget has grown by 67% in these four years, the highest growth in history. In doing so, we not only meet the constitutional mandate 6% of GDP, but we investing in education to 7.2% of GDP in 2010. That, we can be proud.

In conjunction with the various qualitative measures, organizational and management have driven, this dramatic increase in the resources invested in the education sector could contribute to reversing the trend of increasing attrition in the education system but, above all, we could reduce inequality within the education system itself. I mean, while enrollment rates of the two highest income quintiles - which are the highest - remained virtually at the same level of 89% and 96% between 2006 and 2009, the rate of education of the three lowest income quintiles improved significantly: schooling in the middle quintile rose from 80% to 87% and that of lower-middle quintile rose from 74% to 83% and the poorest quintile rose from 71 to 80%. Thus, the average improvement in schooling we accomplished in those years, was achieved through a significant reduction of educational inequalities. That, we can be proud.

A key element in pursuit of both justice and the quality of education, was the significant increase negotiated with the trade associations for the teaching staff of the Ministry of Education. In recent years, educators saw Costa Rica their earnings almost doubled to implement the education sector to 50 percentile equating the public sector. This is a major achievement not only in terms of due recognition to the hard work of teachers of preschool, primary and secondary, but as a key instrument to promote long-term educational quality, by making the teaching profession to be attractive returns for our young people today know who teach can also bring a level of living for their families.

Finally, to drop the issue that gave rise to this "rediscovery" of my sub / version of 2002, we have the issue of financing higher education and in particular the issue of FEES.

Well, FEES had fallen to its lowest point in history in 1982, after the crisis of the late Carazo administration, and thereafter, it recovered slowly over the next twenty years from 26 billion to 127 billion (in constant colones). While this was a real positive growth FEES was shown lower growth than the national economy as a whole, so that the participation of FEES in GDP was reduced, every year, from 1.18% of GDP 1985 to 0.85% of GDP in 2004.

At that time, the university authorities and the Government then negotiated Financing a Convention that would bring the fees of 0.87% of GDP in 2004 showed 1.05% of GDP in 2009. Initially, with a growing GDP, the application of this formula allowed a significant expansion of FEES, when GDP fell, the government agreed to allow the FEES continued to grow in real terms up to ¢ 226 billion that today represent 1.23% of GDP. Faced with criticism today is easily heard, it is important to note that, if implemented "formula" of the latest agreement, the FEES hardly have been of ¢ 200 billion in 2010, ie, ¢ 26 billion less than the Government agreed to cover.

So no, I have no reason to feel that what is said in the sub / version of 2002 there were betrayed by the actions that allow the FEES to the point where it is today. On the contrary, I believe that my actions as a Minister have been totally consistent with my thoughts of yesterday. But then what about the current negotiations, the source of so much discord?

In my column in 2002 argued about the responsibility that could be the political authorities in the sense of allowing and promoting real growth of investment in education. The proposal from the current Government have proposed to universities is quite consistent with that.

Although some talk about the government's proposal as if it were a "cutting" of the university budget, the truth is simple and distinct: what we have proposed is that the FEES grow in real terms and to grow faster than the rate of growth national economy. We proposed that the FEES to grow at a 4.5% real plus inflation, plus a credit of $ 200 million.

In simple terms this would bring the funding to universities in the ¢ 226 billion today to about ¢ 360 billion in 2015 (¢ 400 billion if we quantify the loan). It is difficult to understand why anyone would play this kind of increase, real, as un recorte. Con la propuesta del Gobierno, el FEES alcanzaría su nivel más alto de la historia tanto en términos reales como en su participación en el PIB. En términos de mi columna de 2002, puedo sentirme tranquilo y orgulloso: en medio de una crítica situación fiscal, el Gobierno del que formo parte no solo no recorta la inversión educativa, sino que le permite crecer a un ritmo mayor del ritmo al que crece la economía, del ritmo al que crece el resto del gasto público y del ritmo al que crecen los ingresos tributarios. La prioridad de la educación claramente se mantiene.

Entonces – dirá el lector - ¿por qué tanto conflicto? La razón es fácil de explicar, aunque no sea easy to correct.

university elites do not take a real 4.5% growth but demand growth of 11% real. This would mean that the FEES grow three times faster than the national economy, putting a terrible strain on the rest of the social and economic investments by the government, society.

Why such high demand growth ESSF elite university?

As we have said - verbally and in writing - "need" this disproportionate increase to pay for what they call the "inertial charge" of the university forms: a set of incentives and privileges they do that without hiring a teacher more, no more admit a student without the slightest increase or improve services generated by universities, costs automatically rise by 8% per annum above inflation ... to pay for this increase automatic wage is also an 8% per annum above inflation.

In short, the problem of universities is not that governments are not giving them enough resources. On the contrary, both during the previous five years and the current government proposal, the resources of universities increased clearly and consistently. However, incentives to absorb most of the budget increase, universities have chosen to stop the admission of students, who not only left out of the public universities, but fail to fit into the careers of their choice.

Between 2003 and 2010, the University of Costa Rica increased from 29,004 to 35,524 students: seven years only increased its enrollment 6,520 students, less than a thousand per year. In the case of National University, went from 12,940 to 15,444, an increase of just 2,504 in seven years, less than 400 per year. UNED apparently increased in 5174 but the fact is that this only appears to have happened in the last year, because between 2003 and 2009 only increased from 18,659 to 19,521, ie only 862 more students. The strangest case is that of the Technological Institute, in these seven years, not only did not increase the number of students but reduced it! The ECT increased from 8153 to 8,151 students between 2003 and 2010.

Over the last five years our public universities increased their tuition, among all, in just over 2000 students per year. Its enrollment grew only by 15%. This is not possible to blame the governments for not having allocated resources: their own bodies have recognized that this has been five years in which its resources have grown: 80% in real terms. How to explain that resources increase by 80% términos reales, pero la matrícula solamente en un 15%?

Ahora se nos dice – en la propuesta oficial de las y los Rectores – que durante el próximo quinquenio su matrícula aumentará en un 3% anual (es decir, apenas unos 2.500 estudiantes por año). Sin embargo, se pide que el financiamiento (FEES) crezca a un ritmo del 11% por encima de la inflación. ¿Cómo justificar esto?

No creo que los salarios en las universidades deban ser bajos. Por el contrario, me parece bien que sean buenos salarios de manera que podamos atraer a los mejores intelectuales, los mejores científicos, los mejores artistas a la docencia y la investigación. Eso podría justificar que, over a period - a five-year, for example - costs rise more than services. What happened in the MEP with increasing wages do: for two or three years, the costs exceed the enrollment growth because wages are recovering. That's fine.

What can not be right is that these increases become a permanent and automatic privilege. It's okay that wages are high. It is not right - according to the current system - continue to grow at a rate so great that double every eight years above inflation!

So when I reread my sub / versions of 2002 and see the how increased funding to universities during my first four years as minister, when I check my ideas of yesterday and today discussed the proposal that we submitted to the directors for the FEES to continue at a faster rate than the national economy I feel good. These are facts and proposals that, if properly used, allow our public universities growth and systematic improvement.

And so when I hear that is threatening to cut scholarships, quotas and close racing, to eliminate graduate studies, arguing that the fault lies with the Government to "cut" the university budget, I care deeply. Not because I believe that the resources offered are insufficient. I worry about how those resources are being used and, above all, I worry - and I was saddened - by the way the elite universities are arguing - against students and against our universities - as long as not transform an inadequate system of privileges.

As in my sub / versions of yesterday, I think we have a leadership problem. Only that the problem seems to be inside, not outside of our universities.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Can Cabonara Kept In Fridge

A collective effort for peace ... NO TO NUCLEAR WAR AGAINST IRAN IS PREPARING ... Artist Victor Wang

This work is presented as bullet long ago, but these last days I have painted on canvas with acrylic, the threat of nuclear war to prepare the United States and Israel against Iran ...
A cry for peace is urgent and necessary ... Copy and paste the image to your blog.

Sorry for my absence, I will be back soon ... Thanks to everyone for your comments ...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Denise Milani Natural Boob

Better alone

A rapid and unusual addition to my blog (unusual because it almost never update on weekends). I read with surprise the statement by the Comptroller General the Republic on the possibility that the Minister of Culture and Youth to continue "carrying out" his career as musician outside office hours, and in that exercise may even continue to charge. And I say first because the sudden surprise of the Comptroller flexibility is unprecedented for me, and second because I have the feeling that the arguments are rather partial.

The ban, which is what is paid to Ministers and not the dedicated, intended, in my opinion, two things. First, to ensure, through a salary bonus equal to 65% of base salary, an income that allows the recipient to devote himself exclusively to the duties assigned. Second, prevent additional income from other sources end up exerting undue influence on the development of public policy. Neither of these considerations is present in the delivery of the Comptroller, at least not with the same relevance that the definition of profession that is based on the opinion.

and clarified that of course this has nothing to do with Don Manuel Obregón in particular. Here the theme is the door that opens with a statement like this. The discretion of the Comptroller, Dr. Maria Luisa Avila could open a restaurant (which also would be a resounding success because Dr. cooks really) while cooking is not a profession. Or Leonardo Garnier could mount a barbershop, René Castro singing with a mariachi (imagine it with cowboy hat and see that the idea is not crazy) and Mayi Antillón to a beauty parlor (or a clothing store!).

The work at the head of a ministry is very complex and requires this level of dedication and concentration, say some football players, "they should not assume additional responsibilities, even if they are so pleasant as to give concerts. But even if the urgency of the art form is such that it can not be mitigated, at least it should forgo the income from producing, thus showing that they were prepared to take office with the sacrifices involved. Serving as Minister

is certainly an honor and has great privileges. But it also requires sacrifices. During the time in office there are many things that one should be deprived: family time, a certain income level, hobbies, and generally on a personal level many things are postponed. People just see the look "glamorous" work, travel, dinners and cocktails, the car with driver, but the truth is that there is a degree of sacrifice that is invisible. Much is revealed in his tenure, many suspected before accepting it. But when one accepts, it has to do with all the will to take such sacrifices. The truth is that they are only 4 years, at best,

So I would prefer that the Ministers are engaged only in charge, despite what he says the Comptroller. Call me old fashioned but there is also a certain solemnity associated with the position he should not miss. The idea of \u200b\u200bhiring someone to the Minister of Culture to Animate a wedding (of course I'm caricaturing the situation) is not compatible with that solemnity. Or that Manuel establish a company with Leo, Rene, Maria Luisa and Mayi, so René sing at the wedding, Leo cut his hair to groom, Maria Luisa cook the buffet and the bride ready Mayi ...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What Do Greek Discus Thrower Statues Look Like

Another perspective as Minister for Social Networking

Negotiation to provide resources to the Special Fund for Higher Education (FEES) has never been easy. It is an extremely hard process because it has an unusual feature: all participants are right.

How could that happen? Universities for example, have reason to request more resources. Even if the country is already investing in higher education a percentage of GDP similar to the average of OECD countries, around 1.1% - Canada, Korea and the United States allocated a percentage of between 2.5 and 2.9, which should be a range aspiration for a country that claims to be successfully inserted in an economy and contemporary is founded on knowledge.

investment in public higher education is a prerequisite for development and should receive all necessary support to become the locomotive to pull the national dream of a better quality of life for the population.
But the Government is also correct. You can not accede to the request of universities. The country can only allocate the resources it produces, if the economy grows at 5% can not commit to ensuring the growth of university budgets by 11%, as we seek to universities. Unless of course we are willing to sacrifice investment in other fields.

This argument objective that originates in a tough fiscal realities, and not obscure interests that seek to eliminate public higher education to encourage private universities. To think that someone like Leonardo Garnier, who has become a lightning rod for attacks on government representation on the Liaison Committee, "it encourages a sense antiuniversitario can only be motivated by a supine ignorance of his career and thought, or by simple and plain malice. The truth is much more complex than a vacuum ad-hominem argument.

The situation becomes even more complicated when universities argue they could not accept less than they requested to have automatic growth their costs by 8% in real terms. And to be absolutely fair, many-not all, of that growth comes from salary bonuses have been awarded by courts. But the truth is that this is the behavior of spending on public universities, and this is a burden too heavy for the universities themselves and the country. Something must be done.

With a panorama like this, it is natural that the negotiation is particularly difficult. Perhaps the solution is not to discuss a funding formula for five years as has been the practice, but extend the deadline so that the options are greater.

For example, one may consider a growth scenario gradually the percentage of GDP devoted to higher education so that after 15 or 20 years to reach a 2.25% of GDP. This would allow several things. First, the timing of the fiscal resources required to ensure compliance with the agreement, including what now seems an inevitable and urgent tax reform.

Second, universities should make room for long-term planning to enable them to moderate-the way they see fit, the weight of those spending items that contribute to the automatic growth is clearly unsustainable. And third, and beware if this is not the most important, to reach such agreement, a true and unpublished state policy, it could become a model for other areas of national life, also in need of long-term actions.

course, to build something like this will require technical work hard and rigorous, which can not be subject to cyclical pressures in the budget cycle has already started. In this sense, universities and the government could agree on a budget for next year to ensure a 5% real growth, while projections put the GDP growth rate this year about 4% - and the management a loan of $ 150 million to offset the automatic growth rate covered and not halt altogether the expansion plans that universities have in place. This would give a period of one year, needed to build a long-winded solution.

With political will and commitment that should be of the possibility of reaching an historic agreement, it is possible that these strenuous negotiations today are, in 20 years, the object of curious investigation for those university students who have greater opportunities through a system of public higher education is the motor of development that the country needs.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Are Ethyl Sprays?

FEES, public opinion, the pulse of the country and courses of action

The community of social networks is especially important qualitatively process of forming what we call "public opinion." But it is NOT the public. Is a group that should be taken into account but not the only nor the most important. I say this because I have the impression that in recent months has been overestimating the role it plays in society, especially because some issues that suddenly light up controversy in the 2.0 world end up being more or less public decision in line as discussed in the virtual community.

But watch out, this only happens when the mass media take up the gauntlet. If social networks have the influence that some attribute, other issues would have a consequence. Examples are many. It was not enough the massive body of much of this community for Greivin Moya was referring to the questions put to him on the blog Tico Hell. The accusations were not only not answered, but were systematically ignored by the rest of the media, and therefore go unnoticed. It is expected to happen with the doubts that Alexander Trejos out in his blog on the amount of followers in Twitter Amelia Rueda. If no means gives ball to Alexander, it is likely that doubts remain unclear.

And in this we must be clear: the media continue to use what happens here to enhance some topics, or to strengthen validity of public interest, "coincides ONLY AND ONLY IF your current interest. Do not talk about conspiracies or anything like that, it just depends on whether that goes beyond the issue under discussion in the cyberworld is interesting for the media, to reach national status issue.

these thoughts because I think some may be incorrectly assessing the representativeness of the social networks. It is important that we are speaking, but not the only or most important. It's convenient to believe, but no less wrong. Take the pulse of the country requires more than turning on a computer and enter into Twitter or Facebook. And define courses of action requires the consideration of additional elements, a systematic and rigorous collection of data, ongoing contact with different sectors, to promote the objective knowledge of the differing views. Otherwise the decision will be partial, and sooner or later show their limitations.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

John Cryer Earns Per Episode

45 New Photos of Camp Rock 2! Taylor Swift

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Kevin Jonas embraces a pillow after telling a ghost story in this new image of Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam .

Camp Rock 2 opens on Friday 3 September in the U.S.! Below 45 stills + ....