Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How To Put A Carseat Back Together

Merry Christmas! Mobic

May all your wishes come true (but not for free .. Chinguela deserve to have them!)


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rowboat For Sale Florida

private stories by Rueda

days ago I came across a flyer in my house .. Good design, attractive, squeegee .. Advertising in the end. Mobic

(furniture store) invited to write in exchange for goods worth .. Why not?

Here is the link for those interested and those who do not .. can vote for my story (those who vote also enter a raffle of products!). Written under Lucia called Pau.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bike Shorts Male Female Different

my mind ..

not think it was to write so soon .. Yesterday

premiered the movie "The same stone" Timbiriche .. We were invited to the after-party-peeeeerdoooon. The truth of the trip we were very mothers but we shared the same goal that became the motivation and strength to go take rock a while, guess what?

my love Sasha!

(my other other girlfriend hahaha)

did not even know for sure if the rrrrrreina it would appear .. the illusion was enough for the middle of the night we decided to go cold .. We arrived at the bar, some timbiriche had already arrived and walked in the place .. Sasha, or your lights .. A suck at the bar, toured the site, we welcome some friends .. jajajjaj pure good people.

My wife bragged that he had gone just to know .. told his friends we had a list of our tops with no problem whatsoever and sancho conceived. His comment was a green light to the flirting, the competition began .. to win the best! In my mind, began to emerge the possibility of a trio jajaajja. Dream that is worth?

Suddenly, flashes and more flashes behind us .. look like someone who does not like things and the near fainting .. Sasha had come! Several fans stalking, surrounded by her family, a dazzling smile and pose unique princess, waving and posing for the cameras.

The moment had arrived. - What, if they want to make it the present? - says my now-best-friends-you-get-home Daniela. I refused a little imagining the scene .. Look I present to you a lench-crackers who are dying to meet you and drool pillow for you. could not be more depressing and fang comment. Wisely his words were: ey I want to introduce some friends super pretty you want to know. Who would resist such a comment? "Modesty aside.

My wife almost fainted .. Hand sensually kiss on the cheek and .- Hello! How are you? - with Lindi ronqui-sexy-voice .. Phew I with my vodka-and women over to the side, "I ventured to invite you a drink, and had mentioned that it was open bar? jajajaj- No thanks .. I got up early and I'm a little tired. - I said in my ear while his hand rested on my waist .. Oh my god! Whatever you say my rrrrreina! another time it will be! jajajaj.

after my wife claim a product of my daring invitation, he told me .. The net might not see you with another .. even tops the list of .. Buuuuu excitement faded ..
Actually, I could not! ;)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Side Effects Of Olimelt 7.5

I want somebody to speed it up for me Then take it down slow.
There's enough room for Both.

-Madonna: 4 minutes.

No no no no nooo ... I have no words to even venture to describe the experience of seeing my other girlfriend (Madonna) in concert ... Phew! That energy

women .. that amazing production .. the joke present throughout the show .. Get to have a body like yours my fifties? jajaj think I have to start from right now working out ..

definitely have been months of concerts .. I LOVE DF! Neza City of Shoes with Intocable get romantic and melancholy with Benny Ibarra and Madonna now! WOW! WOW! WOW!

When my excitement levels go down and I will talk more interesting! Bonita


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tight Throat And Their Solution

was all love!

Without much inspiration and a few things to say .. I share this poem! I discovered a book of poems Pizarnik! I finished as I'll share a few!

Everything was

love was all love ... love!
There was nothing more than love.
was everywhere love.
could not speak than love. Love
boiled, with vanilla,
bearer love, love deadlines. Love
parsed, analyzed. Love
overseas. Love
cardboard Love, love milk ... Full
prevention, preventive,
full of shorts, restrictions.
Love with a large M, with a capital M,
blasting merengue,
covered with white flowers ... Love
espermatozoico, Esperanto. Love
disinfected unctuous love ...
love their accessories, spare parts;
their lateness, spelling,
with their heart and telephone outages.
Love that burns the heart of orangutans
Love celebrates the songs of frogs under the branches, which starts
buttons boots,
that feeds on Enceladus and salad. Love and love
postponed tax. Love and love
incandescent unwary. Love
shape. Love naked.
love Love is simply love.
Love, love ... And nothing but love! Oliverio

Girondo. ____________________________________________________________

lepersabstain The picture is .. I found it in Devian Art

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Primary Hiv Rash Dark

I lack the air .. Suddenly .. without any notice or feeling through my chest is pressed .. I wonder who else will be feeling the same and that is reflected in my .. is a dull and persistent blockade ..

The words begin to flow, - I have an essay due. heaviness. hopefully the literary verbiage covering these issues. there a word for that? .- safe, air seeps through the window and pulled some leaves .. Lorenzo beside me choking on his snub nose struggling to pull more air. The episode ends. Decides to leave.

continuous oppression. I'll be having a mini-heart attack? Some arteries have decided to stop working today? just today? It will be a heavy heart complaint? I try to breathe deeply, slowly, conscious. Again the wind, I see it cold, intrusive. Who invited you to this dance dying? Why dare interrupt my dance?
read your mail now and I feel like a few tears run through my face. There is sadness. Maybe it could be thanks .. or peace.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Importing Buicks Into Canada From The Usa

She Used To .. But Not anymore .. *

Long time no write I do not know where to start ..

3 months of absence! that things! Several trips, a gay wedding, the beginning of the Masters, completed a quarter century, new year Kabbalist, and almost six months living in Mexico City, voting card chilanga, Guia Roji increasingly obsolete, zero robberies .. ASSAULTS ZERO! A teen-oh I think if I nique presented in blociedad! - the other daughter to look pregnant, a bike pa less polluting, more books accumulating in the bureau, some new existential questions, a ghost haunting the house, new look .. l @ s and wonder: it mujerts =).

I will come back only the most powerful .. quarter century and I am sorry, still do not quite digest it, the celebration was excellent .. with the ones close friends, rediscovering some lost life and confirming the love of those who are far away .. The LOVE and LOVE! Thanks for being in my life. Credential

chilanga vote .. 3 or 4 years ago in my innocent youth "jajajaj" "juraba" que jamás viviría en el DF.. una de mis mejores amigas vivía por acá y a pesar de que la visitaba seguido y que terminó convirtiéndose en mi madrina gay -con ella conocí el Lipstick y el Pride en sus mejores momentos-, me negaba a volverme una chilanga más. La ciudad con sus imponentes periféricos, avenidas, circuitos, viaductos, ejes y demás, se me antojaba hostil y gris -lo siento! venía de un pequeño rancho del norte del país-. Pero como bien dice el refrán popular.. Cae más pronto un hablador que un cojo.. terminé cayendo y enamorándome de la Ciudad, del movimiento cultural, de sus sabores, del sentimiento de pequeña hormiguita en este gran hormiguero social.

's wedding my best friend .. quote: Friday 26 September: Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. With a lot of emotion and affection I had the opportunity to join Jessica, dear friends, in union with your partner. The "judge" super gay and apparently also one of the forerunners of the domestic partnership agreement cute and asking me when I was coming to visit me .. GULP!

The existential doubts because there are .. maybe the next post is about that .. I do not want to bore you more!

Besos! I wish you a great week!

_________________________________________________________ (*) \u200b\u200bThe teenager is a Bull French dog named Lorenzo Almodóvar (for fat and ugly lol) .. Moon (xoloitzcuitle) reportedly pregnant .. I hope that if we give the surprise and not look like their mothers cookie.

* The post title is the title of the picture of good Vladimir Borowicz.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Houston Doctor For Adhesions

and in my dreams I belong .. An immodest proposal

There is something in this picture kills me .. I could not define accurately the pose, the emotion, intensity, rumpled sheets, tattoos, Kabbalist trickle;) once my mother saw it and thought it was me .. I have some tattoos but none so bold, I confess.

I keep many things in my head that do not even know where go! I missed writing, for me, for the curious (no offense!) .. Today I woke up with that phrase (title) in mind, I have seen some changes in my life that perhaps could explain the insistence with which haunted me .. Yesterday while driving I had a revelation that scared me .. I have to digest more to separate it from any hint of obsession that may be overshadowing the feeling ..

There are new horizons in my life, new challenges, old friends return, I feel peaceful and calm, together. I close some cycles and other unknown slowly open, challenging and equally attractive.

no desire to appear bigoted, Kabbalah is answering some of my questions and guiding the discovery of others. Envelops me and I want to share, I feel compelled to share! (Questions are answered)

This month is family and travel back to my office downtown and energy. I think I'm ranting a bit .. Bonita

week everyone and lots of light!

_____________________________ * The pic is of Vladimir Borowicz I took of Deviant Art.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Much Does Alexis Texas Cost

The last time I wrote, I reviewed my little picture messages and I noticed that a lot Lencha-or cookie? new to bloggosfera .. Will we take it as a way of escape and expression under the pressure of homophobic society / lesbophobic? is perhaps our virtual closet?

Gradually, I've met in Merida cookie blogs, Tabasco, Df, Monterrey, Puebla, Guadalajara (and other cities not named sorry but my forgetfulness is not enough for more) .. all sharing their experiences, that if the mother does not want it, that if she does not come out of the closet, if you have not dared to come out .. all sharing the personal story and looking for support, even virtual-or others that we already went through the same thing ..

Some-other-more, poets and writers in training share their erotic stories, poetry, the sensitivity to write the most gross pa (including me!) And giving us tools to share pa the mujerts, the weds, the couple or the "best friend" who can not decide if cookie or not .. Anyway ..

letting fly a little mind, I thought that this would make a party where we could gather and learn .. I suddenly assaults the image to see us all with the classic little card of HELLO MY NAME IS: ____________ (insert here the name of blogging) and the beer or drink in hand ... I think the girls did something like Memoirs as a journey or something .. I'm not going that far (my aspirations and my time will not let me biscuit.) I stay in a joti.fiesta (or galletofiesta?) Where we take chaos, know who is behind each blog and provide for our galletez! Mmmm

series as well as an output of the virtual closet? jajajja in order ... Someone points?

PD. A gay fellow readers friendlys so do not feel excluded, may be invited tmb!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Goody Velcro Hair Curlers Use

tiempecin Building a free back and write a bit ..

I can tell! uff and more than a month ago I am officially Chilanga ... We have already made some welcome partys .. already struggling with the law chilanga .. and we got lost in the df Finally .. has been around a bit! My holydays

begin to regret (since I graduated in December have been out of the market-in a good way!) As soon start a kabbalah classes and if all goes well a Masters in August! yei! I have more kabbalah classes excited that the Masters but I feel that I will serve to re-orient and decide what is in my professional life .. going well! .. Many new visitors every day and many painful and ghosts do not dare to leave comment .. passing bloggers! =) Any comments, questions or doubts, please make it over here already know, there is confidence!

My mother, every day I love my mother more and my mujerts tmb! Last week, leading to who knew Vicky Ranch, a school where I grew up and life taqueria can not miss (sorry but I do not score more goals;))

We had a bit of fear the end of the day my mother said ok m `ija how good you came, I prepared the room the brothers = / jajajaj but it was so, so!!

have been many things but I can summarize that the all is well .. I am very happy and eager to keep growing!

A kiss to everyone and a big apology for leaving!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Whats The White Dot On Facebook Chat


Friday, March 14, 2008

Crush Ice In A Cuisinart


So yeah, my days in Puebla ended .. I expect we will see the next destination!

Yesterday a friend came and told us how he grabbed the feeling one day our party .. I was very butch and I made a joke I made him promise that we would visit often .. When he left .. tearful moment .. remi darling .. quivering beard .. and my wife to her: I vistesss this video! - me out of feeling.

I do not even want a farewell party .. Coy and the back door .. so there are fewer tears .. Almost feel like I'm running away .. (Mmm following item to work with my psychologist jajajaj). Several

emotions ..

Y 'hour after? = /

Enjoy your "vacation"!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Paintings Of Man Dancing With Woman

Yesterday (or was before yesterday?) I went to take pictures for my title ..

Sitting on a stool broken, worn and sad with two spotlights pointing at my face, the recommendations of the photographer (a little tilted face, smile, right ..) and facing a very old camera I suddenly fell twenty ..

was the picture of my title .. that Lucia (with doubts, hesitations, without a clear future, etc ...) would be "immortalized" in an oval black and white effect in a future title would hang in the future office ..

I had a kind of deja vu ? noo as a vision of what my life would be in a few years .. The title resting on the wall and a more stable and secure Lucia .. Anyway ..

just weird feeling .. I wanted to share!

nice weekend!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cervical Mucous Jelly

My clone and me ..

Turns out I have a clone!

the weekend I went to Mexico with my mujerts, agreed that a very precious friend also walked over there .. We stayed to see in Parque Mexico, after his mujerts joined us and his sister and we went sightseeing. As we took some quesadillitas Coyoacán market told me No mms! you have to know your clone .. Morra is just like you but gordibuena! .. between the choke of my surprise Queca and manages to ask .. I have a clone? .. If wee is just like you .. Monterrey actually confuse them or ask if they are sisters .. And because nobody had said anything! Very
I finished my Queca .. Then in a few hours my clone would join us .. Without knowing exactly why every minute were increased my nerves .. I remember the book "The Duplicate Man" by Saramago, was a direct attack on my identity! Well at least I found out I just, but she's constantly confused me .. or at least that's what they told me .. This girl really must hate me ..

already arrived in the evening to the house .. Wanted to plant in front of it and compare their features with mine .. But I only dared to look at from time to time .. the situation was in itself bizarre .. finally we met .. Our brides denied the resemblance .. the night moved forward .. Between each eye confirmed some things .. if I had brought that haircut, if smiling Similarly, if the eyes traits may well be confused .. Veeeeeeeerdeeeeeeeee!

We ended up taking us pictures together .. already in the house more pleasant could make the comparison, the impact had happened .. and yes, we could be sisters .. ____________________________________

Sorry for not writing as often .. elgalletero I is black!
nice weekend!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blackberry Curve 8330 Themes Free

February 15, 2008: Excerpt from Scarecrow I

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How Do You Unfreeze Honey

Oliver Girondo. Honest girl

I do not know, I care less that women have breasts as magnolias or dried fig, peach complexion or sandpaper.

I give zero importance to the fact qeu Wake up to a breath or a breath aphrodisiac insecticide.

I'm perfectly capable of supporting a nose that would take the first prize in an exhibition of carrots

but yes! -And that I am irreducible - they do not forgive, under any pretext, they do not know fly.

If not fly lose time which they intend to seduce!

Girondo Oliver met by a movie: "The dark side of the heart." I recently came across the second part .. Launched nearly 10 years later. This, in the same style "surreal" and interspersed with poetry existencialoide leaves you thinking .. about life, love, death and time .. I wish to view!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Volleyball Of Sign And Symbols

request ..

And I find that I steal Doña Vicky!

was not my computer, I'm dying! - Nor my jewels, "as if many! - Or clothes-at least I think I need anything = S-. Apparently, the above is a criminal who uses "ant theft."

1. A kiwi found in the gas tank (?). Asked only managed to comment that "I leave it there for clueless."
2. Earrings disappear and reappear.
3. The change sometimes left on the table disappear.
4. A pig (piggy) losing weight (and weight!).

The precipitating :
had received in a cheesy Christmas exchange a curious pig piggy bank which had the particularity of grunting every time he received. A few days ago had seemed to take particular light. There was not much to be "saving" but did not correspond to the weight that I remembered. I opened it and in fact, all coins $ 10 and $ 5 were gone ..

had two suspects:
1) Doña Vicky and
2) the unknown *.
* The unknown refer to the "brides in turn" of friends who had stayed a few weeks ago at my house.

The set-up :
order to rule out "the unknown" decided to pay the pig a known amount into $ 10 and $ 5 (apparently his favorites ) and to invite Mrs. Vicky to clean things up.
I put the pig in another place, to show that it had moved without complaints and "without realizing its lighter weight."
Leave the suspect to work alone and proceeded to leave my house for some "errands."

The discovery :
With a little scary, to go back home I proceeded to question the "affected."
$ 5 coins were gone. We
the culprit.

The disappointment :
1. I occasionally borrowed money was going qeu discounting their weekly visits in return.
2. Last year I asked to be godmother to her daughter on the ground "primary graduation from it." Needless to say, I had to pay for flowers, shoes and part of the uniform.
3.Por that the move of my mujerts, I decided to clean my closet. Then, the "goddaughter" became the owner and holder of some of my clothes.
4. Innocently and family tradition, I tried a Christmas gift.

Then :
I cite the above for a thorough cleaning of my house.
Once finished proceed to denounce her.

'll tell you the outcome .. I hope tears.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lightning Final Fantasy Xiii Right

Well I talk to them .. my life is going well .. mujerts And buy a cabinet for your clothes and there are fewer things in suitcases .. It was a little difficult at first, I was very used to my space and I really enjoy being alone, being alone! - Has now gone from being my space our home .. Are no longer just my guests and my friends but also their own .. is rare to have so much movement in the house .. "I reread that and I wonder if maybe he was a hermit? + / -

Moreover, the fact of not being in college and not have as much job with elgalletero still makes the days become a bit tedious .. I get up, do some yoga while my mujerts goes to the box, I check emails, I see TV, Czech cookie jars progress .. it comes to food, some errands, maybe rummy night, reading and bedtime biscuit .. and this is repeated during the week, no luccyaventura importants! .. I look forward to elgalletero already online, however, I think I will miss some inactivity ..

I must also work on lowering my thesis, perhaps published in a psychology journal, but has to be shorter .. Do not know why but I have almost two weeks sacándole return to that .. I would love pubic but I think my brain is still saturated with it and want to continue with the holidays!

From what I can not complain is that much free time has allowed me to read and read! This amooo .. I am currently reading the book "Love with your eyes open" Jorge Bucay, which I highly recommend them if they feel that something is wrong in their relationships - no relationship is perfect! there is always something to work -. Easy to read, the book makes you question you, among other things, about what you're doing for things not working well, when we always tend to blame the other. There I say they seem ..

Well hopefully not boring .. @ s! you know where to stop the complaints and comments = P

Kisses and nice week!