Long time no write I do not know where to start ..
3 months of absence! that things! Several trips, a gay wedding, the beginning of the Masters, completed a quarter century, new year Kabbalist, and almost six months living in Mexico City, voting card chilanga, Guia Roji increasingly obsolete, zero robberies .. ASSAULTS ZERO! A teen-oh I think if I nique presented in blociedad! - the other daughter to look pregnant, a bike pa less polluting, more books accumulating in the bureau, some new existential questions, a ghost haunting the house, new look .. l @ s and wonder: it mujerts =).
I will come back only the most powerful .. quarter century and I am sorry, still do not quite digest it, the celebration was excellent .. with the ones close friends, rediscovering some lost life and confirming the love of those who are far away .. The LOVE and LOVE! Thanks for being in my life. Credential
chilanga vote .. 3 or 4 years ago in my innocent youth "jajajaj" "juraba" que jamás viviría en el DF.. una de mis mejores amigas vivía por acá y a pesar de que la visitaba seguido y que terminó convirtiéndose en mi madrina gay -con ella conocí el Lipstick y el Pride en sus mejores momentos-, me negaba a volverme una chilanga más. La ciudad con sus imponentes periféricos, avenidas, circuitos, viaductos, ejes y demás, se me antojaba hostil y gris -lo siento! venía de un pequeño rancho del norte del país-. Pero como bien dice el refrán popular.. Cae más pronto un hablador que un cojo.. terminé cayendo y enamorándome de la Ciudad, del movimiento cultural, de sus sabores, del sentimiento de pequeña hormiguita en este gran hormiguero social.
's wedding my best friend .. quote: Friday 26 September: Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. With a lot of emotion and affection I had the opportunity to join Jessica, dear friends, in union with your partner. The "judge" super gay and apparently also one of the forerunners of the domestic partnership agreement cute and asking me when I was coming to visit me .. GULP!
The existential doubts because there are .. maybe the next post is about that .. I do not want to bore you more!
Besos! I wish you a great week!
_________________________________________________________ (*) \u200b\u200bThe teenager is a Bull French dog named Lorenzo Almodóvar (for fat and ugly lol) .. Moon (xoloitzcuitle) reportedly pregnant .. I hope that if we give the surprise and not look like their mothers cookie.
* The post title is the title of the picture of good Vladimir Borowicz.
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