There is something in this picture kills me .. I could not define accurately the pose, the emotion, intensity, rumpled sheets, tattoos, Kabbalist trickle;) once my mother saw it and thought it was me .. I have some tattoos but none so bold, I confess.
I keep many things in my head that do not even know where go! I missed writing, for me, for the curious (no offense!) .. Today I woke up with that phrase (title) in mind, I have seen some changes in my life that perhaps could explain the insistence with which haunted me .. Yesterday while driving I had a revelation that scared me .. I have to digest more to separate it from any hint of obsession that may be overshadowing the feeling ..
There are new horizons in my life, new challenges, old friends return, I feel peaceful and calm, together. I close some cycles and other unknown slowly open, challenging and equally attractive.
no desire to appear bigoted, Kabbalah is answering some of my questions and guiding the discovery of others. Envelops me and I want to share, I feel compelled to share! (Questions are answered)
This month is family and travel back to my office downtown and energy. I think I'm ranting a bit .. Bonita
week everyone and lots of light!
_____________________________ * The pic is of Vladimir Borowicz I took of Deviant Art.
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