I lack the air .. Suddenly .. without any notice or feeling through my chest is pressed .. I wonder who else will be feeling the same and that is reflected in my .. is a dull and persistent blockade ..
The words begin to flow, - I have an essay due. heaviness. hopefully the literary verbiage covering these issues. there a word for that? .- safe, air seeps through the window and pulled some leaves .. Lorenzo beside me choking on his snub nose struggling to pull more air. The episode ends. Decides to leave.
continuous oppression. I'll be having a mini-heart attack? Some arteries have decided to stop working today? just today? It will be a heavy heart complaint? I try to breathe deeply, slowly, conscious. Again the wind, I see it cold, intrusive. Who invited you to this dance dying? Why dare interrupt my dance?
read your mail now and I feel like a few tears run through my face. There is sadness. Maybe it could be thanks .. or peace.
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