Monday, April 18, 2011

Bulk Barn Protien Powder

Possible legislative opposition directory

To me it is very difficult not to refer to events that have been raising in recent days regarding the possibility that the legislative directory is in the hands of the opposition. Then take the opportunity to make some reflections on the subject, and incidentally revive this abandoned blog.

At first the picture does not appear to be positive: an alliance that does not have a common minimum program, except to establish the order for the rotation of seats to be distributed over the next three years, aims to control the legislative directory. It speaks of "promoting an agenda of consensus", but leave it for later: the cart before the horse. First, as I was knowing what you want to board positions, ie, what it wants power and not the reverse, first assume the charges and then see what it does. Here it is worth remembering also that only a few weeks ago, the former Minister of the Presidency, Mr. Marco Vargas, the opposition offered to build a consensus agenda for the two-month session that remained outstanding at that time, it was not possible to reach agreement by the deep divisions among the opposition parties. If it was not possible for two months, what can we expect for three years?.

must be said, however, it is natural that this is so, because the differences between these parties are apparently irreconcilable. Unless you are willing to be flexible ideological principles that have been so publicly and enthusiastically claimed by each of them. And it would be anecdotal if not because there are issues that really urge the country. For example, why Libertarians can reach agreement, PAC and Front in the theme of General Electricity Law? How to reconcile such divergent positions? Or does the answer to these questions is simply not to discuss these fundamental issues?

The net result of all this exercise could be to add one more obstacle to the already hindered government action. It's common sense pure and simple: not paid to the possibility of doing things that there is no communication between the executive and legislature. And this is not possible in this case because there are different interests, which are home between the opposition and the executive branch, which in turn derive equally disparate responsibilities. And this difference is merely the most difficult turn.

And then, of course, is the issue of consistency. How, after having said all that said, you can evaluate support groups that until now was said to have an insurmountable distance?. But that of course should be the concern of the supporters of each of these groups.

Hopefully, in the two weeks remaining for the election of deputies has directory that value with a sense of patriotism and, why not political, the weight of responsibility they might have in this episode. The country really grateful they are.


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