The real legal uncertainty on the failure of Crucitas, by Mr. Oscar Arias
by Oscar Arias Sánchez
25 years ago, there was the possibility that a common citizen start a blog on any given day, and this blog was more read a newspaper or magazine. There was the possibility of creating a Facebook group and convene, within weeks, three million people to demonstrate about a proposal. It was not possible to convert a home video into a worldwide sensation phenomenon.
was the time when politicians were dependent on the media to convey our thoughts and our opinions, which is why we relied on what they want us to publish, when they wanted to publish, and in most cases unwilling to publish it.
That time has passed. Today, however, is the world that has displaced nearly Wikipedia encyclopedias, which for centuries dictated the official word of thought. This is the world where anyone can take free courses in Physics and Computing at MIT, the most prestigious technical university in the world, without leaving the living room of his house. Never before normal people, those who are not Presidents or General Managers or Directors or had been so powerful. Now we can speak our minds through Facebook without anyone edit, or make your own interpretation of what we mean, and simultaneously, in real time we know what our friends think. That's why, that is you, my friends from Facebook, who would like to say what I think of ruling on Crucitas.
Throughout my public life I have always respected the decisions of different courts in our country. As I have said repeatedly, in a democracy where an independent judiciary, the sentences are adhered to and respected, not questioned. However, as you know, the Administrative Court ruled against the ruling of the Constitutional Court had declared the constitutionality and legality of the decree of national interest that we issue for my government. I think the most desirable at this time is very quiet and serenity, and manifestations of the company concerned to bring this case to the First Division of the Supreme Court Justice, which we hope will be that body which ultimately resolved, hopefully in the shortest possible time, the divergence of views between the rulings of the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Tribunal.
The development of the people depends on the amount of investment, both domestic and public, both private and foreign. In Latin America per capita foreign investment has Chile's highest, and it is this investment that has allowed him to become the most developed country in Latin America. Costa Rica, for many years, has followed the footsteps of Chile creating clear rules to attract such investment.
In any democracy, citizens must know what to expect in their dealings with the state. Must rely on observation and respect of circumstances arising from the application of valid rules and regulations. Must have a reasonable expectation based on what the performance of power in law enforcement. That is, should be able to anticipate what the legal consequences of their own behavior. As the English say, "legal security protection Means of confidence."
Legal security means the protection of trust, it is a "know what to expect." Our country, so admired by its peace, its democracy, tolerance, can not remain at the end of the race in the world. The primary right of a globalized world is trust. Begins to protect the Government and Congress, but it happens, no doubt, by the judiciary.
Finally, my dear friends, about me, as I said before, that nothing should be nothing to fear.
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