Monday, September 20, 2010

Como Poner Flyers Landscaping

College Board statement condemning "the last, intolerant practices at the University of Costa Rica

I confess that I thought would never see a statement like this. Maybe now those few who were still doing gymnastics pseudo rhetoric for not condemning these people finally do so. But that's not really important. The important thing is that, finally, the Council shall act without hesitation. I would have liked to see this text in the main newspapers in the country as other agreements on a variety of topics, which were widely reported, but the truth is that I'm content with it for now!

A large group of students is largely responsible for this. These boys and girls 4000 as the President of the FEUCR are nothing, and who spoke strongly against practices that denigrated as academics, need to feel satisfied and conclude that the University authorities finally decided acuerparlos. But besides these brave young men decided to take action, refused to identify them with extremism, intolerance, ignorance of reality. There is hope in the UCR. Congratulations guys!

Statement on the events of August 26, 2010

(agreement signed Session No. 5474, Tuesday, 7 September 2010)

The University Council, CONSIDERING THAT:
1) The University of Costa Rica , during its seven decades of existence, foundation has fulfilled the promise of becoming an institution of higher education, independent and democratic, as stated in article 1 of its Constitution.

2) In the autonomous and democratic constitution of our institution has been substantial development of the university as a place of cohabitation, as provided in Article 4, subsection e) of its Organic:

e) Respect for people and the free expression guarantee, in the university setting, dialogue and free expression of ideas and opinions, as well as the coexistence of different world views and schools of thought no limitation other than mutual respect. "

3) The means by which the University has created a culture of tolerance has been the respect for difference and dialogue to resolve differences, are fundamental tools in university practice, and which referred to a former Rector lucid, Mr. Rodrigo Facio Brenes, in his call to the university community in 1960:

"(...) the small republic university forges the virtues of absolute freedom for all people, complete tolerance for all the ideas, constructive dialogue, accountability purge, selection media ethics, concern for the problems True, those same virtues that we want to see prevail, no exceptions and no weakening in the national political scene. "

4) Thursday August 26, 2010, day 70. th anniversary of the University of Costa Rica, and at a time when the University Council at its meeting No. 5470, believed to grant audience to representatives SINDEU FEUCR and a group of people broke through the use of force, in the meeting room and prevented the exit for more than three hours, Mrs. Chancellor, the majority of the members of the University Council and support staff. During this time of retention, in addition to damaging public property, that group physically and verbally coerced most members of this the College, in particular, to Mrs. Rector.

5) Neither the authorities of the University of Costa Rica or its organized sectors have turned to the detention of persons as a means to achieve their goals. The various protests, and the resolution of differences through negotiation, have followed a pattern of respect for freedom, dignity and human life, as well as public goods, basic understanding and practice of coexistence university.

6) The University of Costa Rica has always been able to distinguish the legitimate social protest vandalism, damage to public property, assault on the integrity and life of people. When these illegal actions have taken place in the country, the university community and its authorities have unequivocally condemned and repudiated.


1) strongly condemn the acts of aggression that took place on Thursday, August 26, 2010, against most members of the University Council, Mrs. Rector and staff working in the administrative building BC.

2) Reject the use of coercion, physical restraint, defamation and personal offense as ways to accomplish any goal or manifest any Unlike other sectors of the institution.

3) request the Administration to assess the institutional damage to property, setting out the relevant responsibilities and procedures are undertaken to indicate the university regulations.

4) call the Rectory to promote reflection on the process of negotiating the FEES and dialogue among different sectors of the university community with the goal of learning and identify challenges for the University of Costa Rica and Public Higher Education.

5) to disseminate widely this agreement in the college media.


Dr. Oldemar Rodríguez Rojas


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