Friday, August 27, 2010

Waveguide Cover Broken

is time to reclaim our response

was expected: the handful of ridiculous masked some timid and calculatedly university authorities never wanted to condemn in the past, it has become a real problem for the UCR. Silence accomplice is having consequences and not symbolic but concrete: The University could not hold its 70 th anniversary for two days has not been able to teach, must be given a forced day off and again projects a wrong image of what is dean of the institution Costa Rica's higher education.

all started during the 2006 election. In that year, a group of radical intolerant prevented the participation of a presidential candidate in a television program Channel 15, violating a fundamental principle of university action: tolerance to all ideas. Similarly, the series of candidate debates organized by the Institution failed miserably in the midst of the shouting wildly for those who do not accept that some candidates present their ideas in favor of NAFTA. But these acts, which required a formal repudiation without restraints, were pardoned in a silence that is the true origin of this problem.

This phenomenon is further exacerbated in 2007, the year of the referendum on the FTA. This was a dream season for these groups, whose position against the treaty coincided with the "official." It was the year that happy marched with their faces covered without question on par with some university authorities never wanted to ask them to protest with pride, to face discovered. These same authorities that after the excesses that these radicals organized at the end of each gear-and you knew he would always come after blocking the street in front of law, including with burning tires, "came to rhetorical exercises for not condemning their allies in the fight against NAFTA.

That was the year in which these groups were like those who thought differently insulting, not to allow entry to the UCR, resorting to intimidation close to physical aggression, people who supported NAFTA, and boycott activities where it was discussed with rigor, passion and respect the different positions. And it all happened under the indifferent gaze, if not approval of some university authorities.

Well, when that performance pay calculator ambiguous and, under the philosophy that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, has arrived. It is time that the university community, led by its authorities, definitely in a league of these groups and feel and administrative responsibilities to criminal penalties if applicable. Field is time paid official pronouncements of the University Council, as ready to express their views on a myriad of issues of national life and as reluctant to do so with a university problem that affects the image of thousands of students, teachers and administrators that day construct the UCR days of which we are proud. It is not just a place to make amends to the Chancellor as the one organized for next Monday, it is manifest against making public buildings, masked protests and intolerance. And do it without hesitation, firmly, sitting responsibilities. Failure to do so is to continue allowing the U we get out of hand.

is time to initiate the recovery of our university. From now on we must not allow ourselves abridging our right to work, study, free expression of ideas, have to go out to these groups to repudiate and condemn them unequivocally. These days we only had a small sample of what could happen in the future unless we act now. We hope that our authorities to assume their historic responsibility in this fateful moment.


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