Better alone
A rapid and unusual addition to my blog (unusual because it almost never update on weekends). I read with surprise the statement by the Comptroller General the Republic on the possibility that the Minister of Culture and Youth to continue "carrying out" his career as musician outside office hours, and in that exercise may even continue to charge. And I say first because the sudden surprise of the Comptroller flexibility is unprecedented for me, and second because I have the feeling that the arguments are rather partial.
The ban, which is what is paid to Ministers and not the dedicated, intended, in my opinion, two things. First, to ensure, through a salary bonus equal to 65% of base salary, an income that allows the recipient to devote himself exclusively to the duties assigned. Second, prevent additional income from other sources end up exerting undue influence on the development of public policy. Neither of these considerations is present in the delivery of the Comptroller, at least not with the same relevance that the definition of profession that is based on the opinion.
and clarified that of course this has nothing to do with Don Manuel Obregón in particular. Here the theme is the door that opens with a statement like this. The discretion of the Comptroller, Dr. Maria Luisa Avila could open a restaurant (which also would be a resounding success because Dr. cooks really) while cooking is not a profession. Or Leonardo Garnier could mount a barbershop, René Castro singing with a mariachi (imagine it with cowboy hat and see that the idea is not crazy) and Mayi Antillón to a beauty parlor (or a clothing store!).
The work at the head of a ministry is very complex and requires this level of dedication and concentration, say some football players, "they should not assume additional responsibilities, even if they are so pleasant as to give concerts. But even if the urgency of the art form is such that it can not be mitigated, at least it should forgo the income from producing, thus showing that they were prepared to take office with the sacrifices involved. Serving as Minister
is certainly an honor and has great privileges. But it also requires sacrifices. During the time in office there are many things that one should be deprived: family time, a certain income level, hobbies, and generally on a personal level many things are postponed. People just see the look "glamorous" work, travel, dinners and cocktails, the car with driver, but the truth is that there is a degree of sacrifice that is invisible. Much is revealed in his tenure, many suspected before accepting it. But when one accepts, it has to do with all the will to take such sacrifices. The truth is that they are only 4 years, at best,
So I would prefer that the Ministers are engaged only in charge, despite what he says the Comptroller. Call me old fashioned but there is also a certain solemnity associated with the position he should not miss. The idea of \u200b\u200bhiring someone to the Minister of Culture to Animate a wedding (of course I'm caricaturing the situation) is not compatible with that solemnity. Or that Manuel establish a company with Leo, Rene, Maria Luisa and Mayi, so René sing at the wedding, Leo cut his hair to groom, Maria Luisa cook the buffet and the bride ready Mayi ...
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