1872-1944 Paul Signac - 1863-1935 French painter
Monday, August 10, 2009
Liver Cyst And Gallbladder Polyp
Paul Signac was born in 1863 in Paris, where his father owned a saddlery business. His undergraduate studies will be interrupted by an early artistic vocation, encouraged by the contemplation of works of the Impressionists. AI apparently in 1879 when I was 15, Signac went to the fourth Impressionist exhibition and made some sketches from the works of Degas, the angry intervention of Gauguin, who drove the boy in the room the cry of "not copied here!" Not end with his desire to become a painter. With this purpose in 1882 entered the School of Decorative Arts and begins to attend the free workshop Bin, a painter of some reputation who was, at that time mayor of Montmartre. In his early works are discovered intluencia of Pissarro, Renoir, and know everything, Monet, painters who had not yet known. The year 1884 will be fundamental in his career, taking part in the first group exhibition of independent and knows her future partner in the adventure of divisiveness, Georges Seurat. The Independent
Following the example of the Impressionists, the rejected the official Salon -
annual event organized by the Academy of Fine Arts were systematically excluded from the artists who dared to question the academic requirements, formed an association to present their works as an alternative. However, unlike Degas and his friends were not trying to form a homogeneous group, but to call, without any filter, all independent artists. In the first example of the Independent, Seurat exhibited his bathroom Asnieres. Although the work is away from the Impressionist practice of using only pure and intense color, Signac would be fascinated by his technique, which was entering the same research on the contrast of the colors that came concerned about at that time. Passion
Everything is within reach
and this time, Signac become a leading advocate of the cause of divisiveness, success in attracting a prestigious figure of Camille Pissarro. Indeed, the great impressionist painter synthesize well Signac's position within the group when he said: "The full weight of neoimpressionism falls on you! (...). A Seurat not attack him because he always keeps silence me as I despise done with the old cunt, but always go for you because it's belligerent. " The conversion of the young Pissarro divisive opened the doors of Last Impressionist exhibition in 1886. Their participation in the show generated considerable outrage in both the public and criticism that had barely digested impressionism and for which, at best, the new technique was no more than a curious exercise in virtuosity. The attacks turned Signac and his companions were they merely to encourage solidarity
gives a new generation of artists, such as those gathered in Belgium under the name of the XX, to expose those who regularly since 1888 Signac It was the first foreigner who, two years later, receive the honor of being admitted as a member of group. The growing acceptance of the technique divisive, largely the result of active proselytizing conducted by Signac, would lead the first differences with Seurat, who saw this as a threat to its originality. The disagreement between the two painters not limited to the personal nature: in the late eighties, Signac begins to question the painstaking pointillism of his companion, who, in his opinion, gave his compositions "a diminished appearance and mechanical" . Despite these problems, arising in large part by the contrast between the reserved and somewhat haughty temper of Seurat and Signac open, it has always manifest his admiration for gran genio del divisionismo; su temprana muerte le sumió en un estado de profunda tristeza.
La luz del Sur
No obstante, Signac fue pr
onto consciente de que, tras la muerte de Seurat, él pasaba a ser el lider del divisionismo y se dedicó a rebatir a quienes, como Lucien Pissarro, creían que esta pérdida significaba el fin del movimiento. Superado el abatimiento, recupera su vocación marinera -a lo largo de su vida poseyó más de treinta barcos- y emprende numerosos viajes. Fruto de uno de ellos es el "descubrimiento" de Saint- Tropez, por aquel entonces un tranquilo pueblecito de pescadores, donde compra una casa en 1893. La luz mediterráneo invade unas obras en las que el "punto" divisive expands, while emphasizing the chromatic contrasts. By 1896, the change is more evident, a new critical look at Seurat The Models persuade him of the need to get away from his fine brushwork to give
to set a higher brightness. Travel and painting
At this time began to paint in watercolor using a flexible technique of large patches of color, which have nothing divisive. These "digressions" does not imply a loss of faith in the importance of his method in 1899 published From Delacroix to Neoimpresionisno, a text that thoroughly explains the principles of his painting, proving that the criticisms that received are the heirs of those who, in his day, went against Delacroix, whom he considers the true precursor of divisiveness. The work will Signac broadcaster for a
number of painters, such as Matisse, who painted in Saint-Tropez Luxury divisive his work, quiet and "Sensuality" be supported in their teaching to develop more radical bets. The last decades have been marked by his two great passions: travel and painting. Constantinople, Venice, the ports of the Mediterranean or the coast of Brittany would be the stage of their works. The years do not appease his fighting spirit: a supporter of Dreyfus in the scandal that shook public opinion French end of the century, a pacifist during the First World War, participated in the committee Andre Gide antifascist intellectuals. Respect of his colleagues led him in 1908 as President of the Society of Independent States, a position he held until his death in 1935.

Everything is within reach

gives a new generation of artists, such as those gathered in Belgium under the name of the XX, to expose those who regularly since 1888 Signac It was the first foreigner who, two years later, receive the honor of being admitted as a member of group. The growing acceptance of the technique divisive, largely the result of active proselytizing conducted by Signac, would lead the first differences with Seurat, who saw this as a threat to its originality. The disagreement between the two painters not limited to the personal nature: in the late eighties, Signac begins to question the painstaking pointillism of his companion, who, in his opinion, gave his compositions "a diminished appearance and mechanical" . Despite these problems, arising in large part by the contrast between the reserved and somewhat haughty temper of Seurat and Signac open, it has always manifest his admiration for gran genio del divisionismo; su temprana muerte le sumió en un estado de profunda tristeza.
La luz del Sur

to set a higher brightness. Travel and painting
At this time began to paint in watercolor using a flexible technique of large patches of color, which have nothing divisive. These "digressions" does not imply a loss of faith in the importance of his method in 1899 published From Delacroix to Neoimpresionisno, a text that thoroughly explains the principles of his painting, proving that the criticisms that received are the heirs of those who, in his day, went against Delacroix, whom he considers the true precursor of divisiveness. The work will Signac broadcaster for a

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