After 49 days of Omer, and Shavuot arrived purify our waste. Shavuot In the Light of Freedom won promised on Passover and now, we are ready to reconnect with the essence of the Creator and to receive the Light of Immortality. An example of this energy? Bringing to life situations or traits of us who thought dead, changes that we thought we could never do, now become possible.
On Shavuot, we received a new soul, an extra help to achieve our best version, and be the best we can be. Why is this not true? The problem occurs when your opponent defeats us making us forget why we are doing certain actions in our spiritual work, when you lose the right intention. Success comes when we have clarity of purpose.
I'd like to share with you an exercise to re-identify our goals, strengthen and overcome the opponent and attain the best we can be.
Take about 20 minutes in silence, they can do it alone or sharing your answers with someone. I recommend that whatever comes, is a daily reminder to keep the intent and achieve our goals.
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In relationships, how those who want to improve my relationship?, What problems I have in the relationship, how I wish it were / n mi / s ratio / is, What employers want to change?, Why I want ?, Why is it necessary?. Personal
what I want to change or improve about me?, Examples of situations and how I would react, why do I want?, Why is it necessary?.
What is blocking me have it?, What I detest in others?, What things make me reactant / reaction every day?, The people closest to me say that my negativity is ________.
What are my greatest talents? "When I am successful without effort? What gave me the creative gifts?, If you ask the people closest to me about my talents and strengths, what would they say?, In what area of \u200b\u200bmy life I feel successful?.
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