not very well where to start .. have been four long months of absence .. Zero
concerts, exciting celebrity encounters zero, zero adventures to tell .. Maybe that explains part of my absence .. I felt I had nothing "interesting" to tell .. but now that I'm thinking, I realize that if significant things have happened in my life that made me grow and reflect. Not everything has to be always wasa, laughter and fun!
For example, I have a job! I have spent almost two months on it and has been amazing .. enjoy the power and value the hard earned money and the sweat of my brow! jajaj The girl-on-me daddy I was reluctant to admit it, but anyone who works and has seen "black" to pay the rent, etc. .. give me the reason .. good it feels to know that what I have I earned it and I'll deserve it ..
There are other things I'd like to share what I have been studying for over a year now .. I hope you learn and change their life as well as to me has changed ..
Happy Mothers Day! and which are therefore not felicitenme to yours (in cool ehh!) ____________________________________________________________
image a bit silly but I loved is entitled Les Amants PRECIEUX of VladimirBorowicz,
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