Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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"I, Picasso "Vassili Kandinsky 1866-1944

The" Guernica "- the universe without pigeons extract The" Guernica "- the extract of blood, rebellion and tears

"Yo, Picasso" was his favorite phrase. It was a desperate life and devastated. No bounds. Or create, or to break. Art or to drink, alcohol and brothels, or to lock in silence to create. On April 8 the age of thirty-six years of his farewell (Does God?). Today screams, groans, and resists rebukes from the "Guernica" his masterpiece. Since this table is history, written history, and that is the emblem of freedom, "Yo, Picasso" is warning the innocent from the Earth. At the heart of this world trembling, their cry is pictorial and vital today, even more authority.
and gifted child prodigy, communist, pacifist, or bourgeois. Tender and cruel and treacherous friend ... that time. Although burned in fire, always came out unscathed, he. Others burned. In the other. Women were the goddesses, but also, 'blankets to clean floors' and' machines to suffer. " His eyes bulging destinations. Death surrounded him and hugged him life until 91, when he left us. Who was: Eros and Thanatos?
was a shaman, a genius, the greatest artist of the twentieth century and has now sta
unparalleled. Painter, sculptor, printmaker, illustrator, his work was instrumental in the development of art, including graphic design, illustration and comics. He won an incalculable money, while starving artists, he lived in castles, and when their works were overflowing, not sold, bought others.
peace was declared and was a member of the French Communist Party until his farewell. But while the work of Picasso for 20 years, reflecting the disappointment of excommunicated from humanity, engrossed bodies, and the blind, then never explicitly expressed a commitment to universal pain. Until the evil Nazi ally to that other master of the underworld-English Generalissimo Francisco Franco-birds perched on murderers. Bird-aircraft bombed the Basque town of Guernica on April 26, 1937, and death laid eggs in the wound. Oh nightingale of his veins! (Garcia Lorca). The shaman Picasso reacted immediately in favor of Republicans. Filled with anger and full of art, painted the famous "Guernica."
The "Guernica" - the extract of the universe without pigeons. The "Guernica" - the extract of blood rebellion and tears, from which there is a before and after. A before and after for the painting before and after, or should have brought them-in the conscience of those who look at those three meters high and eight long, art, rage and pity.
With this painting, nothing more and nothing less-which is at the Museum "Reina Sofia" in Madrid, would have sufficed for the glory of genius. The "Guernica" is a plea against war, against terrorism and against Franco fascism. Violence, mothers, women, motherhood, sexuality, beat on the play, as a portrait of terror. Fragments of life and death, are small images the big picture of an organized chaos in the supreme work which requires Freedom.
In a striking pictorial language is the work of a master of composition reveals, at once, the innocent eyes of a child.
So was Pablo Picasso. Small painted as an adult, and only in his maturity, he regained his infant eyes: "Since childhood he painted like Raphael, and took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child." Certainly not easy to recover the innocence.
But it was never just to find your virgin eyes, a year before his death, when he was already 90, said the death was the only woman who accompanied him forever. And then thirteen goddesses "official" who were their blankets to clean floors and yet loved him even to suicide ... What did they do? Animal in heat
wanted to be free as the sea, and was a slave to his thirst to all and to all. Like an animal in heat, needed women with the same power that spoiled first, and then abused. Adolescents was desperate, I wanted to all forms of sex, choking with passion for a better surface. If he was even suspected of homosexual by the novelist Norman Mailer. Go "crime"! After having painted "The Chopper", in La Coruna to four years, fell in love Carmiña. Octobers he was ten, she is "The barefoot girl" Master table held until his farewell.
Panting and hot desire of pleasures, from then on all his love
- did you know love? - Turned into paintings. On stage: blue, pink, Cubist, the closeness to surrealism, expressionism, the African masks, and for all after-parade Carmiña many of their women. The famous cupletista Josefa Sebastian "The Chelito ', the adventures that emerged as a result of frequenting cabarets of Paris, Barcelona and Madrid and more.
Until finally "came, Fernande Olivier. With her lived in the neighborhood of Montmartre, in Paris, but escaped from the home to create another Gouel Eva, whom he called "Ma Jolie" ("My Linda"). 1917
gave to Olga Koklova, Russian ballet dancer, who left for Don Pablo Ruiz Picasso, named until at rejection of his father began to sign only the surname of his mother. The following year he married, the princess was the only wife of Picasso before the law thereafter, he joined the "high society" and lived as a bourgeois. The Russian aristocracy had been submitted before him, haughty:
- "I'm Olga Koklova, the niece of the Tsar", thundered as if to whisper, while her cleavage discovered water-thirsty seditious against all thirst. Beautiful
55 meters on its height, in the works of her husband appeared as a dumb, stubborn, and unfulfilled. Is it reality or are the eyes that look? The first son,
Paulo, was born three years later, and helped to conceal the end of love, to be announced. With childhood antics, rejoiced in the sands of the Riviera, while the decline of the family found his swing.
As if his life had been a best-seller, Genius history was also marked by tragedy. Paulo, who had always been indifferent, died of cirrhosis and alcohol consumption and, by a perversion of fate, his grandson Pablito committed suicide the day of his death, because Jacqueline Roque, his last and fellow dictator, not let him the funeral. The small amounts of bleach drank, and went on Earth ... With his grandfather, God?
Picasso in Paris had smoked opium with Apollinaire, Mirbeau, Lautrec and Modigliani. They sought to sow seeds of dreams of dawn. Smokers to dream. And like a dream came to life Marie-Thérèse Walter when she was 17 and he 46. It was 1927.
Erotic desire mingled with the pleasure of the adventure, the secret meetings were all, to avoid trouble with the law, by the age of the teenager. When Mary was born conception, Maia, the daughter of two, Olga was abandoned. And also, in turn, Marie-Thérèse, who, however, continued to assist with devotion: he cut his nails and hair and kept in strict chronological order, as he feared that he did witchcraft. Wrote to his loved for thirty years, and finally, when he died, committed suicide
Picasso's house in the Costa Azul. eyes Green Yugoslavian photographer Dora Maar, it came from the hand of Paul Eluard and his sweet wife Nush, who's appeared in a Paris cafe. 1936 and ran the shaman fell surrendered to her beauty and intelligence. But ... Does he surrender to something or someone?
No, also defected from that emerald gaze, to take the hand of Francoise Gilot in 1943, who bore him two sons, Claude and Paloma.
Dora, bright and talented, had photographed every stage of Guernica, while enduring scenes of jealousy, which continued after separation. Each time he met a potential partner, was scandal; for delirium, each woman had the "mark Picasso" and she was due. Dora ended in an asylum, and eventually became deeply religious.
was Jacqueline Roque, his last wife, the only one that could dominate, well ... only he tried to isolate him from friends, children and grandchildren accompanied him to the end. After Picasso's death in 1973 in Mougins, France, shot himself, as there was a meaning to life without him. They are buried together in the gardens of the Palacio de Vauvenargues, what
and Picasso had bought, but had never lived in the French Riviera. While eating the life, unwittingly, had prepared his own grave, sumptuous. Art-blank
Almost all women wrote books about him. But when Francoise Gilot, published "My Life With Picasso," he would not never see their two children, Claude and Paloma. With only one frequented at times, was to Maia, the daughter of Marie-Thérèse, will be remembered. Grown up, she recognized that her father had wanted to keep it to all women, as a collector, classify them by color, shape and spirit. As the butterflies.
Which of his wives was the most beloved, if you loved someone, beyond the desire to own them all? Perhaps it was the most hidden, poet Genevieve Laporte, 40 years younger than him, beautiful, refined, subtle. Apparently the relationship lasted five years, but never forgot. "I can never be more than your brushes / be the work of your hands / To be inside you," reads a fragment of one of his poems to him.
But all he wrote verses. And he wrote, whose books, the best known is the play "The desire by the tail." He could do anything. Everything? The poet Guillaume Apollinaire listened and accompanied with the love of true friends. Curious life: in 1911 an employee of yours stole some figurines
l Louvre and Picasso sold. Apollinaire was arrested by French police and the genius was called to testify. He said not knowing at all the poet. It was a betrayal. How
call for expressions of Joan Miró, when, with his wife Pilar, learned of the death of the great Master? "Pilaret-rejoiced-now I'm number one."
Each word is a self portrait: Here, the de Monsieur Miro.
Pablo Picasso left an empire and his heirs living around its fortunes, except Paloma Picasso, daughter of the painter and Françoise, who has her own empire of fragrances, jewelry and handbags. She accounted for 30,000 million inheritance owns ... up skyscrapers and, with his brother Claude, Petalious bought the island in Greece, which almost do not go. He loved his dad, cared about his intelligence and his bohemian laughs when he tells you, before certain expenses, "I heard the same answer:" You think you're the daughter of Rockefeller? ".
Picasso, "Eros and Thanatos, or both? Perhaps none. Picasso was a genius, and geniuses are often not measured by the same standards to everyone. They have the "passion of the Absolute", which Louis Aragon wrote, but did not refer to them. Are people for whom nothing is enough "something."
A lthough
have an active social life, are isolated. They need to find, is in solitude, his only possible place. Do you know love? Art is a demanding lover who wants the whole man, as Michelangelo Buonarroti. "I can never be more than your brushes," he had understood Geneviève wisely.
Is there a way for someone else, in the life of a genius or an artist? No, unless that someone just came as a "blanket to clean floors," or if he can keep his own inner freedom and to preserve their own world, rather than subordinate to the genius and dedicated to the ceremony of his adoration. One of the few exceptions was the conduct of Johann Sebastian Bach, who had a daily apparently normal. No more.
While transiting the shadows, they have greedily light. They furiously to dig into their own windows, inward, to find that nest blue. That part of the Infinite that justifies and explains the art to live between heaven and earth with dust of eternity.
The world today is a life-eating boa. Can Picasso, to the "Guernica" shake again the human heart. And Justice "break their bizarre celebrity rags, to escape from the track, goal through the back door, where the merchants of the world governing the destinies of man, and that Justice, have the word" (León Felipe).

The "Guernica" - the extract of the universe without pigeons. The "Guernica" - the extract of blood rebellion and tears, from which there is a before and after. A before and after for the painting before and after, or should have brought them-in the conscience of those who look at those three meters high and eight long, art, rage and pity.
With this painting, nothing more and nothing less-which is at the Museum "Reina Sofia" in Madrid, would have sufficed for the glory of genius. The "Guernica" is a plea against war, against terrorism and against Franco fascism. Violence, mothers, women, motherhood, sexuality, beat on the play, as a portrait of terror. Fragments of life and death, are small images the big picture of an organized chaos in the supreme work which requires Freedom.

In a striking pictorial language is the work of a master of composition reveals, at once, the innocent eyes of a child.
So was Pablo Picasso. Small painted as an adult, and only in his maturity, he regained his infant eyes: "Since childhood he painted like Raphael, and took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child." Certainly not easy to recover the innocence.
But it was never just to find your virgin eyes, a year before his death, when he was already 90, said the death was the only woman who accompanied him forever. And then thirteen goddesses "official" who were their blankets to clean floors and yet loved him even to suicide ... What did they do? Animal in heat
wanted to be free as the sea, and was a slave to his thirst to all and to all. Like an animal in heat, needed women with the same power that spoiled first, and then abused. Adolescents was desperate, I wanted to all forms of sex, choking with passion for a better surface. If he was even suspected of homosexual by the novelist Norman Mailer. Go "crime"! After having painted "The Chopper", in La Coruna to four years, fell in love Carmiña. Octobers he was ten, she is "The barefoot girl" Master table held until his farewell.

- did you know love? - Turned into paintings. On stage: blue, pink, Cubist, the closeness to surrealism, expressionism, the African masks, and for all after-parade Carmiña many of their women. The famous cupletista Josefa Sebastian "The Chelito ', the adventures that emerged as a result of frequenting cabarets of Paris, Barcelona and Madrid and more.
Until finally "came, Fernande Olivier. With her lived in the neighborhood of Montmartre, in Paris, but escaped from the home to create another Gouel Eva, whom he called "Ma Jolie" ("My Linda"). 1917
gave to Olga Koklova, Russian ballet dancer, who left for Don Pablo Ruiz Picasso, named until at rejection of his father began to sign only the surname of his mother. The following year he married, the princess was the only wife of Picasso before the law thereafter, he joined the "high society" and lived as a bourgeois. The Russian aristocracy had been submitted before him, haughty:
- "I'm Olga Koklova, the niece of the Tsar", thundered as if to whisper, while her cleavage discovered water-thirsty seditious against all thirst. Beautiful
55 meters on its height, in the works of her husband appeared as a dumb, stubborn, and unfulfilled. Is it reality or are the eyes that look? The first son,

Paulo, was born three years later, and helped to conceal the end of love, to be announced. With childhood antics, rejoiced in the sands of the Riviera, while the decline of the family found his swing.
As if his life had been a best-seller, Genius history was also marked by tragedy. Paulo, who had always been indifferent, died of cirrhosis and alcohol consumption and, by a perversion of fate, his grandson Pablito committed suicide the day of his death, because Jacqueline Roque, his last and fellow dictator, not let him the funeral. The small amounts of bleach drank, and went on Earth ... With his grandfather, God?
Picasso in Paris had smoked opium with Apollinaire, Mirbeau, Lautrec and Modigliani. They sought to sow seeds of dreams of dawn. Smokers to dream. And like a dream came to life Marie-Thérèse Walter when she was 17 and he 46. It was 1927.
Erotic desire mingled with the pleasure of the adventure, the secret meetings were all, to avoid trouble with the law, by the age of the teenager. When Mary was born conception, Maia, the daughter of two, Olga was abandoned. And also, in turn, Marie-Thérèse, who, however, continued to assist with devotion: he cut his nails and hair and kept in strict chronological order, as he feared that he did witchcraft. Wrote to his loved for thirty years, and finally, when he died, committed suicide

No, also defected from that emerald gaze, to take the hand of Francoise Gilot in 1943, who bore him two sons, Claude and Paloma.
Dora, bright and talented, had photographed every stage of Guernica, while enduring scenes of jealousy, which continued after separation. Each time he met a potential partner, was scandal; for delirium, each woman had the "mark Picasso" and she was due. Dora ended in an asylum, and eventually became deeply religious.
was Jacqueline Roque, his last wife, the only one that could dominate, well ... only he tried to isolate him from friends, children and grandchildren accompanied him to the end. After Picasso's death in 1973 in Mougins, France, shot himself, as there was a meaning to life without him. They are buried together in the gardens of the Palacio de Vauvenargues, what

Almost all women wrote books about him. But when Francoise Gilot, published "My Life With Picasso," he would not never see their two children, Claude and Paloma. With only one frequented at times, was to Maia, the daughter of Marie-Thérèse, will be remembered. Grown up, she recognized that her father had wanted to keep it to all women, as a collector, classify them by color, shape and spirit. As the butterflies.
Which of his wives was the most beloved, if you loved someone, beyond the desire to own them all? Perhaps it was the most hidden, poet Genevieve Laporte, 40 years younger than him, beautiful, refined, subtle. Apparently the relationship lasted five years, but never forgot. "I can never be more than your brushes / be the work of your hands / To be inside you," reads a fragment of one of his poems to him.
But all he wrote verses. And he wrote, whose books, the best known is the play "The desire by the tail." He could do anything. Everything? The poet Guillaume Apollinaire listened and accompanied with the love of true friends. Curious life: in 1911 an employee of yours stole some figurines

l Louvre and Picasso sold. Apollinaire was arrested by French police and the genius was called to testify. He said not knowing at all the poet. It was a betrayal. How
call for expressions of Joan Miró, when, with his wife Pilar, learned of the death of the great Master? "Pilaret-rejoiced-now I'm number one."
Each word is a self portrait: Here, the de Monsieur Miro.
Pablo Picasso left an empire and his heirs living around its fortunes, except Paloma Picasso, daughter of the painter and Françoise, who has her own empire of fragrances, jewelry and handbags. She accounted for 30,000 million inheritance owns ... up skyscrapers and, with his brother Claude, Petalious bought the island in Greece, which almost do not go. He loved his dad, cared about his intelligence and his bohemian laughs when he tells you, before certain expenses, "I heard the same answer:" You think you're the daughter of Rockefeller? ".
Picasso, "Eros and Thanatos, or both? Perhaps none. Picasso was a genius, and geniuses are often not measured by the same standards to everyone. They have the "passion of the Absolute", which Louis Aragon wrote, but did not refer to them. Are people for whom nothing is enough "something."

have an active social life, are isolated. They need to find, is in solitude, his only possible place. Do you know love? Art is a demanding lover who wants the whole man, as Michelangelo Buonarroti. "I can never be more than your brushes," he had understood Geneviève wisely.
Is there a way for someone else, in the life of a genius or an artist? No, unless that someone just came as a "blanket to clean floors," or if he can keep his own inner freedom and to preserve their own world, rather than subordinate to the genius and dedicated to the ceremony of his adoration. One of the few exceptions was the conduct of Johann Sebastian Bach, who had a daily apparently normal. No more.
While transiting the shadows, they have greedily light. They furiously to dig into their own windows, inward, to find that nest blue. That part of the Infinite that justifies and explains the art to live between heaven and earth with dust of eternity.
The world today is a life-eating boa. Can Picasso, to the "Guernica" shake again the human heart. And Justice "break their bizarre celebrity rags, to escape from the track, goal through the back door, where the merchants of the world governing the destinies of man, and that Justice, have the word" (León Felipe).

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